joey roth Semi-audiophile ceramic speakers: for your ipod or computer

made from porcelain, cork, and baltic birch
standard banana plugs (fine- but the pink cables are questionable. surely you can plug some kimber PBG’s and hotwire it on your own)

tripath amplifier made of stainless steel sheet metal, with a cast iron base and paulownia volume slider, toggle switch. beautiful!!

no word on the quality of sound since this has not hit the market as of yet, but just from its construction and material it will surely sound better than any consumer end product and it obviously looks great. once we audit this we will post another. in the meantime here’s a few specs from the designer/manufacturer joey roth:

“the ceramic speakers are made from porcelain, cork, and baltic birch. each material is minimally finished, left to add its natural beauty to the design. the included amplifier is made from stainless steel sheet metal, with a cast iron base and paulownia volume slider. aside from the electronic components, plastic is completely avoided in the system’s construction. typical speakers are designed to play even the most compressed or poorly recorded track. they gloss over the details that give high-resolution music its depth. the ceramic speakers’ custom-made drivers, porcelain and cork enclosures, and tripath amplifier reveal every nuance. they will show the difference between lossless and mp3 files, and will unlock vinyl’s richness.” available december 2009 priced under $500 by pp+dd