roots of breakdancing and the infamous video. impressive physical abilities… if only soldiers could do that today. by bd
Month: January 2010
Levenger fountain pen ink
John lennon by sam taylor wood: nowhere boy
wow! now that’s a film that will not be missed by me. (when it comes here that is – released on 26th dec in britain) after all john lennon and george harrison were the only two that ever mattered in the beatles. anyhow, a film on lennon by artist sam taylor wood sounds very promising even though i have yet to see a great film done on a great person. as godard once said, you can not make a great film from a great novel but you can make a great film from a crappy one… something to that extent. i still have not seen the film on serge, but it’s on the list. the film “nowhere boy” feels much more raw and less produced and that’s a plus… bummer is i’m gonna have a hell of time believing that the vacant pretty boy is actually john! still can’t wait to see it. by dd
feathered art
bonsoir monsieur rohmer
eric rohmer (4 April 1920 – 11 January 2010) by pp’
Quote of the day: siddhartha gautama
siddhartha gautama aka buddha by bh
william burroughs vs. peter ross
this set of photo is already on a lot of blogs but they are so great, i couldn’t resist to reblog the rebloged. so here it is, photographer peter ross‘s work of william burroughs’ personal objects. that’s about it, and it’s shot on a very objective white background, and yet so cool! much more here by pp’
boarding pass redesign
very interesting page from designer tyler thompson that “rubbed his eyes” on his delta ticket to get the basic infos related to his flight. mister tyler decided to give a try at redesigning the tickets and opened the exercice to other designer that also came with resolving designs. worth “checking” 😉 as i’m sure everybody with common sense have been bother by those pieces of non-design. here by pp’
Copenhagen: Global Population Control Program Suggested To Stop Climate Change
are you vegan? carbon neutral? want to save the panda? maybe the blue whale? how about the elimia lacy snail? that’s all good fun but the real problem is man himself and his ever expanding population. it’s not pc to talk about it, and don’t even dare ask your preacher. but with a little bit of 4th grade math, and some common sense we can surely see the future:
poverty: when you’re looking to feed your family how can you be bothered about eco system going kaput. only the privileged rich can even consider discussing conservation of any kind.
food: that steak you grilled is by far the biggest contributor to the hole in the ozone. and that toro tuna you loved, well its now more toxic than propane, that’s if you can find any in the future. fished out and dished out to death.
greed: corporations continue to dump toxins whenever possible rather than spend the money to properly discard it. they dump for the same reason poachers, poach. money to feed their little families.
land: more land is being taken by man, for farming and grazing, forcing other species (and sometimes other men) out of the way and towards extinction.
trash: recycling is great but not when there is close to 7 billion people, 6.9 billion of which could care less.
so maybe we can all face the reality and learn something from the “evil” communist china, and pass the 1 child per family world-wide, and in the mean time, fix what is wrong with it. in china you can have a second child but you pay a penalty, seems like the rich win everywhere! as far as two shooter with natural twins… well what can you do. you hit the jackpot, and get to keep both in china! of course this may never happen in the “free” world but alternatively how about giving incentives? in the 70’s india started handing out transistor radios for men who would get fixed! dicks where cheap then, and that may not work in america, but how about tax breaks? tax penalty? that will surely work… maybe we don’t have to kill ourselves to save the planet after all. by xy
miroslav tichy:poetic imperfections-czech republic/photographer
during many years, tichý wandered the small moravian town of kyjov (in the czech republic) in rags, pursuing his obsession with the female form by secretly photographing women in the streets, shops and parks with cameras which he made from paper towel tubes, thread spools, rubber bands, tin cans, children’s spectacle lenses and other junk he found on the street.
tichy described his trash cameras as being the only way to add enough poetic imperfections to photography. he would return home each day to make prints on equally primitive equipment, making only one print from the negatives he selected. his work remained largely unknown until 2005, when he was 79 years old… by pp’
V magazine: plus size issue fine or folly
beautiful girls? no doubt about it. but here in the western civilized world we love to swing from one end of hell to the other. its almost as if we don’t know any shades of gray. it has to be one extreme or the other, otherwise its not show biz. so from the anorexic-boyish 13-year-old girls, selling clothes to 30-year-old women, we skip to wagner’s opera. this new obsession with over-sized women is of course no coincidence. marketers and business’ alike have seen the news too. 67% of americans alone are overfed and overweight. the rest of the consumer world to follow. beer brands, chips companies and candy manufacturers have been pandering to fat men for years. making it seem ok, blessing it and telling them to relax, kick back and crack open a bag of chips while surfing the cable box… and it worked. what kind of guilt ridden mind wouldn’t want to hear the kind-voice of the mr. butterfinger telling him that it’s all o.k… now it’s time to expand and cater to the “women’s grand market”. because boy, talk about guilt ridden!! they’ve been working on that for centuries.
to point out… v magazine taking lead from marie clair (curves ahead) is a first, but it is not the first glossy mag or the first “marketer” to milk this one. i remember the first time i saw such editorial images, years ago, in some euro art pub, my first reaction was “that’s cool, someone had the balls to dis the fashion status quo, i wish i had done that.” but i’m afraid that is not the premise here.
first off i highly doubt if mr. lagerfeld and v mag’s intentions have turned 360º overnight from the blatantly glossy fashion-megaphone of the mainstream, to kindhearted citizens who want to give “over-sized women a voice”. so good intentions, they are not. shock value? im sorry but about 10 years too late. alternative motive? possibly so. in these hard times, fashion is desperate enough to open the gates. butterfinger did it, why not dolce… after all they have the right name!
“1- skinny or 2-curvy… one size fits all”… oh really?
so you’re broke and now you’re kissing my mass
its not cool, and its not fun, to glamorize, bless, ok, promote, or justify what is a major health liability in this country. its even worse to make a profit out of it. as much as you/i/media may have disliked the 13 year old boyish girls in fashion, from what i can recall anorexia was never an epidemic wasting away 67% of the public… or did i miss that news flash? seems like we have lost our internal campus or maybe it doesn’t work due to the excess blubber. we argue about what body shape is too skinny and what is too fat?
ask yourself this: have you ever met a waif hippo in the wild? or a gravitationally challenged giraffe standing in line at serengeti-grill? how about an obese lion who cant walk? an anorexic grizzly who turns down a meal? maybe in bronx zoo where people are involved, or maybe a sick one in the wild, but not in nature. that’s because every species has a natural body type, and humans are but a species. look at your ancestors. not 200 or 500 years ago, not the venus of willendorf they showed you in art history 101, but way back before man took things in its own faulty hands. there lies your answer and your form. by Mr.goodbar
** political correctness disclaimer: if you have a medical condition which makes you overweight, please do not take offense. this is not related to you. but if you are overweight because you cant stop eating food, food that others around the world are dying from its lack of, then please be our guest.
MOCA’s to-be director: jeffrey deitch
go jeffrey the jack-of-all-trades! los angeles MOCA is set to name jeffery deitch as director… there goes the neighborhood. finally the wall between museums, galleries, and private collectors in the art world is about to come down… by cdc