really into the french 60’s things these days, but totally obsessed with the villa malaparte which is definitely a character on its own in godard’s “le mepris”. saw the gigantic and amazing “fresson prints” photographer francois halard did of the pictures he took there few years ago. grand! hope he will show them at the “rencontres d’arles” where he’s feature this year. (not positive but i remember reading somewhere that the blue couch on the bottom picture of halard’s own house is the actual couch from the movie… it was green last time i was at his place though) by pp’
Month: May 2010
ACE hotel New york: munny exhibit this saturday may 15
looks like the event below (april 13) was rather timely and dead-on the pulse. but what’s all this fuss with the munny… how cute can cute get! this is gotta be great, especially given contributors like tobias wong are involved. this saturday may 15th from 9PM to 2AM at the ace hotel. more info here. by ppd
the anarchy of silence: john cage, museu d’art contemporani de barcelona
with bionce crashing our party i thought why not talk about some music. like “the anarchy of silence” by john cage. now, for the record, can we please beg lady gaga here to not appropriate?
ok, so this is one of the most beautiful books i have come across in recent years. the book published by henie onstad art center is a pricey soft cover book with a lot of inspiration hidden inside it (used copies can be found on amazon for $130). i picked up my new untouched copy at st. marks bookstore in new york for under a $100 but no idea if they have any left. not much unlike his music, beautiful unobtrusive designs of text create a lovely pace between photographs and sketches of cage. the hand drawn notes are truly amazing and the book as a whole shows a lot of confidence on behalf of its creators. another franklin well spent. by dd
Lid Magazine Number 10-SS 2010: more of a book worth coming back to
why don’t you love me – beyoncé
this is the only beyoncé video i’m allowed to post on tomorrow started. love the makeup, love the hair, love the moves, love matching fingernails to turquoise rotary phone. i much prefer this girl to the one attempting to win in the try-hard edgy fashion competition. sometimes you have to allow yourself some mass pop indulgence, especially when they’re using some of your favorite references. by kl
hinoki: scent one – monocle’s first fragrance
ok i know this is nothing new, but i smelled this a few months ago and i still regret for not picking it up right there and then… there is a number 2 but nothing is as good as the first time… anyhow i was looking for a treat tonight as the sushi dinner out just wasn’t enough… after a month of gruesome work you can indulge a bit. well there’s always tomorrow. by uh
Einstein speaks again… well actually that was back in 1950
maybe the man knew too much? another great one from our pals at letters of note ! by dd