italy, france, england and libya: a love story

one disturbing, sexist, ruler kisses another


can buy me love, love, love

my how times change… quickly. it was just yesterday, when i was shocked to hear that gaddafi was suddenly forgiven for his involvement in the terror bombing over lockerbie and surprisingly taken off the terrorist list. why? he was then invited as guest of honor, were he met his match – M. berlusconi – and became italy’s biggest trade partner (buying a stake of about 2% in fiat, 7.5% of juventus, and 7.5% in unicredit bank, etc). within months he was back on the shit list for “harming his subjects”. well… i’m glad we went in and “stopped the killing” (of course many more have been killed at the hands of foreign supported rebels and french sorties than by the evil dictator himself). so it surely wasn’t humanitarian reasons nor the kindness of strangers that got them involved. one should wonder what was (and is) really going on at the expense of ordinary people?  by ec