nick cave – soundsuits

“nick cave is an artist who makes costumes for sculpture. actually, the costumes are the sculptures. he calls them “soundsuits,” because they’re loud. pitched at a decibel the eye can hear, they armor the body in dyed feathers, brilliant sequins, bugle beads and fake flowers, thatched twigs, strips of old sweaters and gaggles of pipe cleaners. they may have tall chairs or wicker baskets for heads. there’s no way to know if they’re male or female, or of what race or class, but they’re too dazzling for anyone to care.”

not the nick cave you think about, though it’s music related since those amazing costumes are featured in alvin ailey shows. mr. cave himself a former dancer for ailey, now turned artist knows what he’s talking about when it comes to dance. now on show at mary boon read more here by pp’