anjelica huston’s cabinet de curiosites
buzz aldrin’s cabinet de curiosites
david lynch’s cabinet de curiosites
graydon carter’s cabinet de curiosites
jean nouvel’s cabinet de curiosites
they say you can tell a person by his most cherished objects, not sure if that’s true but lets go with that for now. the question is, is the notion of le cabinet de curiosités suddenly taking on a sense of relevance today? from thomas erber cabinet at colette in paris to the interview mag coverage of the recent event in new york by thierry despont which some of us attended, to boucherons ellaborate paris vendôme affair and finally to LVMH’s uber luxury champagne krug’s advertising from last year? well if it is, then i suppose that is good news for us object obsessed chaps. what is nice about this campaign is that in a way it reinvents the notion of celebrity advertising by showing a person not for his or her physical appearance but for his or her personal interests. now who on earth wouldn’t pay to not see another lame celebrity face in an ad? the campaign was photographed by thomas lagrange for new york agency ceft and company. by dd