The Lake and Stars: calling all mother teresas

a painting rendition of the actual adverts by dutch painter nop briex

by now you may have heard of the lake and stars (designers of “world famous lingerie line”, no one has ever heard of – until now!) and their nordic mother and daughter campaign with india menuez (daughter) and johanna methusalemsdottir (mom) that sparked an outrage in in press and on TV calling it everything from “incest” to “outright disgusting”. well as usual, we’re not sure what all the fuss is about, other than an affirmation that a lot of dirty minds and a lot of hypocrites still run the public dialogue. if you ask me, there is more incest going on between wall street and the congress than there is in here… and let’s not talk about what is really disgusting these days… such as civil liberties being pummeled while we all sit around… i mean where do these people come from to act all righteous? and about what? i personally don’t find this campaign that great but it doesn’t bother me either. if i want to be bothered by anything there’s plenty more to go around. if i was to analyze this campaign, i would say that it’s more about the beauty of age and confidence in your individual body, than anything else. besides, the nordics clearly have a better way of handling their families and sexuality than we do so let’s settle down there. there are less unwanted child births there than here, there are less STDs there than here, no children appear to be taking machine guns to school, and can’t recall the last news report about an icelandic mom putting her dead child in the fridge in order to continue collecting child care, so maybe we should shut up and take care of the real problems before we act all righteous about such petty things. don’t put out the stars just because you can’t reach them! by uh