jeff gaudinet’s accidental idea transformed into a great site. if nothing else, at least these are beautiful and seeping with originality. the rest can be seen here. thanks to the beautiful k for the find. by sv
Month: May 2012
moonrise kingdom, an ethereal place
perhaps i am biased, but considering the amount of garbage that is forced upon us these days, wes anderson is a persistent and glorious breath of fresh air. i was fortunate enough to see ‘moonrise kingdom’ this past weekend, and combining the effortless style and wit of all his other movies, i truly think he has perfected his craft with this one. taking the elements of detail to an entirely new level and juxtaposing them with an unforgettable cast, anderson proves that he is truly a cinephile’s hero. despite the wondrous performances of big name actors, suzy and sam, the star-crossed lovers and protagonists outshine all others on the screen. played by kara hayward (a pubescent margot tenenbaum) and jared gilman (a hemingway-esque noble young man) you are completely drawn to their love, its genuine intent and post-modernist determinism. there is the languid air of an orphaned child and parental issues as in all other anderson films, but this is positively delightful. and if you have a soul, you will want to see it immediately. by sv
hanging by a thread: incredible “drawings”
on view at the kunstgaleriebonn gallery in bonn from june 6th to july 20, 2012
detail: the lines are actually thread glued down one at a time
“the thread has been adhered to the paper. the second layer… is adhered to the paper… at the intersections.”
incredible detail “drawing” by hadi tabatabi. that is if you can call them drawings, granted they are included in the sally & waynn kramarsky epic works-on-paper collection next to richard tuttle, robert smithson, jasper johns, eva hesse, donald judd, richard serra, john cage, and on and on. this new series is constructed with thread, a common material used by the artist in past work, but never in this manner… “in this new work there are two layers of thread. one layer sits directly on the paper, and the whole length of the thread has been adhered to the paper. the second layer which is perpendicular to the first layer sits on top of the first layer and is adhered to the paper only at the ends and to the first layer thread at the intersections.” this kind of patience and detail is something of an anomaly in our time, and that is exactly why i love this work. of course, nothing is like seeing these up-close. i bought a piece last year in new york from the danese gallery. if you are in germany in june/july check out the show “papier/paper III” at the kunstgaleriebonn, in bonn june 6th to july 20, and at the denese again in new york, june 14 through august 17. by wk
NSU Motorenwerke: NSU RO-80 suspiciously early audi looking
NSU motorenweke RO 80
1970’s audi 100GL
audio R8 advertising (history) i’m not seeing the NSU?
well it is… NSU was a lesser known german company founded in 1873 and eventually acquired by the VW group in 1969 who merged it with auto union and evolved it into audi and that answers the resemblance. it was a new discovery for me. by dd
She’s Electric by Santiago and Mauricio
the sierra brothers grew up in the ’80’s, can you tell? drawing inspiration from japanese anime, atari video games and disneyland’s space mountain attraction has combined to create a pretty impressive beauty video featuring looks by makeup artist romy soleimani. this is glossier and more than a smidgen more techno than my taste generally runs, but i can’t help but be drawn by their ability to create velocity out of almost nothing in post. slick. by kl
wassup badboy?
photo by jerome liebling, 1st edition, signed, and worth the $175. by dd
berlin: romy haag and the young david bowie
space age disco queen romy haag and the berlin days. not taking away credit from bowie but he was for sure influenced by haag. by uh
summer scent
sea breeze, with a bit of oil spill from saturday’s surf. by xy
when i was a little girl, i would make my mother take me to the eye doctor every year in hopes that i would need to get glasses. that strange desire is still there, and seeing these amazing ksubi sigma outlined frames has brought all those memories rushing back. it’s been a few years of optical abuse… maybe, hopefully, now is the time. the frames are not available yet, but you can reserve your pair here. by kl
james pants: we’re through 2011
wins the worst video award of all time, but in a good way… kinda’ like ed wood. dig it pp. by dd+pp
model hannah holman in better days
from dazed & confused days. wow.. i don’t see an expiration date? by dd
the car I need
it’s smarter than smart, and it’s smaller than a mini. love it. by dd