even better hermes – special edition sugimoto



the recent collaboration between hermes and japanese artist hiroshi sugimoto has resulted in objects of light, objects of desire, and objects of nothing and anything. color and light have always been a muse for me, so i truly enjoy mr. sugimoto’s articulation of his work. please watch the vid here.

ps. dd should have gotten one of these for his personal anniversary, i would have loved to…it’s the thought, right?  by kl

cello audio suite pre-amplifier






instead of being founded by an electrical wizard like most brands, cello was founded by a musician. the audio suite preamp above was always my favorite of the line, from the time i saw it decades ago when i could not afford one to now that i can afford one but it has become obsolete. even so, i still love to have one just to touch the volume controls. cello was a respected company; however, their preference and advocacy for equalizers was always against the purist notion of audio and that alone made them seem in “our” eyes less rigorous and purist as the rest. nonetheless, it’s still a beautiful piece of equipment inside and out. not an easy one to find but i found one here and here for 16K (the latter includes the amps). by dd

quote of the day

“the God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction:  jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

richard dawkins, ‘the god delusion’

ephebe tedium

we’re not sure if this is referring to the tediousness and inherent boredom of adolescence or not, but here at the ts headquarters we can’t stop listening to cockroach. by sv + jr

the dream of chuang tzu

‘chuang tzu dreamt he was a butterfly and, when he awoke, did not know if he was a man who had dreamt he was a butterfly or a butterfly who was dreaming he was a man.’

an excerpt from jorge luis borges’ extraordinary tales, a favorite train read of mine. from chuang tzu (1889) by herbert allen giles by sv