the cabalistic order of the rose cross

claude debussy and erik satiethese two rosicrucian composers, claude debussy and erik satie, were both musically inclined and applauded for their esotericism. although debussy is reported to have detested ornamentation (he thrived on refinery) there are also reports that he loved children’s toys (especially those of his daughter, chouchou) and the circus.  on the other hand, satie’s worldliness spoke volumes in his treatments for piano, and additionally as a writer and philosopher.  satie was published in minimalist journals and vanity fair, to extract his diversity.  these two concentrated on a musical renewal, not a recycling, and were members of an order far beyond comprehension.  how quaint, to be influenced by a superior philosophy; in essence, to live and breathe every corpuscle of what you do in perpetuum. by sv

phonebloks. support dave hakkens

phonebloks is a great idea by dave hakkens, a designer from the netherlands. i personally had to change my phone 3 times for a brand new one, just because one piece was not functioning anymore. yelling (or crying) at the lady on the other side of the customer “help” number didn’t make any difference, i had to give away my pride and 600 euros. electronic devices are not made to last, because good products that you keep for 40 years do not make their corporations any richer. dave, i feel ya man… by lil

thom browne: as long as you don’t have any issues

thom generally has a knack for making men look short and women look like spongebob; he also has an extra e and h, because… well, he can. if you can get over that bit, he’s the best show in town. and i mean that with the best of intentions. i actually love thom’s mens suits, and even got fitted for one, but my legs are about 14″ too short to pull off those shants. hell, if you got the long legs then you’re gold with thom. his fall 2013 women’s is probably the most interesting show. a bit too vivienne westwood for me, but i’ll take that any day over the drab, suburban, accommodating, compromised lineup of the rest. new york shows have always been a downer in general. i mean what can you expect of donna karen, oscar de la renta, and tommy hilfiger to bring to the table but a boat load of dirty cash? now i see even j crew has joined the show? wooo, can’t wait. i wonder what new cardigans mickey drexler has in store for us? new york has more bark than bite when it comes to fashion after all…. maybe we have the few glimmers of hope with theyskens, and MM6 (this year) and on a good day marc jacobs to look forward to. otherwise, short of the parties and the free drinks the shows are a real snooze. we have to give it to our “cheese eating surrender monkeys” back in paris for putting on a real show. vive la france… don’t let us down like you did back in the 40’s. by xy