spoiled child: always at the the right place, at the right time… again

“pop fashion rebel” jeremy scott showed up for his “spoiled child” launch in NYC

good music…


good drinks…

good skin…

good fun…

all for the future of wellness… at spoiled child where you can find everything…

from $45 hair masks, to $89 drinks, to $58 skincare, to $350 hoodies. there is even an $89 yoga mat for your consideration.

jeremy was to fashion what sex pistols were to music, or warhol to heavy art. he was one of the first to mash up adidas with designer fashion. made bad, look good (we wont forgive you for that j). made moschino well more moschino…. of course today all that seems par for the course… but somebody had to wear that safety pin first. seems like a long way to go to get here with wellness and all – but i suppose the whole kidrobot, BBC, glossed up jeff koons spaceman makes total sense for a face-cream, if its from the prince of pop. right? kiss! kiss! bang! bang! photo credit: matt weinberger. by kgb