top 10 gifts of 2012: our gift to you, great gift ideas for the holidays – ver 2.0

for generous gifters, lotuff and clegg leather duffel bag $1,050 – ak

brandy pipe $22 to sip in style – dd

leica m-e camera to shoot xmas memories in good focus $5,450 – cp

block lamp by design house stockholm $129 – m+m

‘the fretless wonder’ – the incomparable les paul custom gibson $5,739 -wn

chemex glass coffee maker for $45 to be awake in 2013 – ars

tom ford tuscan leather eau de parfum $205 at saks fifth avenue – m+m

criterion’s release of pier paolo pasolini’s trilogy of life $63.96 – sv

macbook pro 13″ sleeve in brown $97.42 – cp

any one of these kufa tables $340 + shipping from guyana- ak

happy holidays everyone!

by ts staff

non gendered reality per saint laurent

i absolutely love the current revisit and further integration into life of the gender/non-gender issue. i might note i am very much a girl, i can’t help but look girly even if i don’t dress so, and i like many a-girly perk, at the same time i don’t like intensional guidelines, and  i feel like the future of identity is finally positively being explored in a way that is infiltrating life. girls who like girls who like boys who like girls? wut? like whoever you want, dress however you want. mix up your boundaries, have fun, be serious. that’s the way it should be. that’s an attitude that makes me love new york, do what you want and no one cares.

and here are some stunning pix of saskia de brauw shot by hedi slimane for his recent Saint Laurent menswear campaign. by kl

burning man

when looking back at this years past events in the world there is one image that is etched permanently into my retinas. it’s the image of jamphel yeshi, a 27 year old exhile from tibet, who set himself on fire to protest a visit from the chinese president to india. I can’t be the only one, as several artist have been inspired or payed tribute to him. by wn

mr. delhomme

was so happy the other day to find a super nice interview of mr. jean philippe delhomme on garance dore’s blog. rather unexpected place to read about the guy, but lovely nonetheless. seeing his work on campaigns or wherever is too rare but always so inspiring and nice! the book on his digital alias the unknown hipster is definitely a must for christmas. by pp.