is that a chair you’re sitting on…

or are you just happy to see me?  just a couple of unrecognizable geniuses hanging out.  from left to right, george nelson – one of the founders of american modernism and angular poseur, edward wormley – dunbar designer but clearly not your typical model, earo saarinen –finnish designer and pipe smoker, harry bertoia – italian-born artist, sculptor, chin-holding enthusiast and modern furniture designer, the one and only charles eames – quintessential contributions to modern architecture, furniture, graphic design, fine art, and film (what a show-off) and lastly, jens risom – danish furniture designer and tie-tucker.  party on, guys. by sv

a beautiful lie

model martha streck featured in photographs by taka mayumi for the french revue de modes.  the series is called ‘a beautiful lie’ perhaps because it explores the paradigms between that which is sensational, and yet psychologically distorted.  the first shot would look perfect poster-sized and in my bedroom, but that’s an entirely different conversation.  by sv

hunter or haunted?

mister hunter s. thompson in his later, leisurely days. it’s hard to think of him as a young man in the US airforce where he was discharged, in june 1958, having been recommended for an early honorable discharge by his commanding officer. “in summary, this airman, although talented, will not be guided by policy”, col. william s. evans, chief of information services wrote. “sometimes his rebel and superior attitude seems to rub off on other airmen staff members.” in a mock press release thompson had written about the end of his duty, he claimed to have been issued a status of, “totally unclassifiable” which i think could be considered quite appropriate, no mockery intended. by dd