colors, muscle cars, and some underboob to brighten up dd’s day…nice short film by australian director daniel askill for ksubi. by m+m

quote of the day (in sanskrit)

“anicca (sanskrit)– the law of impermanence. everything in this world is temporary, from a body sensation, to a broken heart, to a being’s life. whatever situation you find yourself in, remember that this too shall pass, be it good or bad.” so cheer the fuck up dd. by ht

quote(s) of the day

“it assures me that nothing matters except my love, and that even this love has no value for me unless it remains innocent and free.  it denies me a personality, and deprives my suffering of its echo.  the world is beautiful, and this is everything.  the great truth which it patiently teaches me is that neither the mind nor even the heart has any importance.”

-albert camus, fiesole, 1935

occupy my bag

this tote bag pretty much sums up the movement. the genteel folks vs the aggressive bulls. i dont need to say who wins the battle. $7 (cash only) available at saint marks bookstore. wonder who gets the money… probably another bull. by xy

magazines vs books: must there be a difference?

lid magazine cover with rolling stones’ young mick jagger

my neighbor and pal keith richards in earlier days with his rolls royce

maxime de la falaise and a young veruschka

this guy is dead but not forgotten… donald or something… i just can’t remember his name

model elle macpherson naked with dog

pix from lid magazine by david croland and dagon james $15… by far the best magazine out there and perhaps one of the only other true “magazines” next to permanent food.

once upon a time, there was a difference between books and magazines. photography books were expensive, and rightly so since the money you paid supported the artists. magazines were cheap because they got their money from advertisers… and at that, the advertisers were limited to the few pages “in-between” the editorials. today, the magazines are nothing but lame catalogs selling their advertisers’ crap disguised as honest editorials. editors don’t even have to work, they just sit there and get press releases and free lunches and fill their pages with whomever panders to them most, be it in copy or photography. the pictures dished out as editorials are simply unpaid ad-vetorials where the stylists are subject to humiliation by farming out looks that suit the advertisers. photographers are simply told to shoot what is placed in front of their lens; yet, told to pay for it since they are contributing to such a creative endeavor.  bullshit, you can fool some people sometime… but the rest of us buy lid. magazines like vogue, bazaar and elle are simply too pedestrian for me to comment on here, so i will focus my wrath on self-service (and ezra) and purple magazine (and olivier) and the like whom have sold their soul for few euros (worth nothing by the way today). i was looking through a bunch of mags tonight, and i gotta tell you, there was not a single magazine i would pay $3 that was worth it. with self service and purple prices at $40 and up you begin to wonder how stupid they think we all really are, and your hard covers mean jack when you look at the 3,000 shit filled pages. it makes me puke to see even these so called “alt magazines” bow to their masters like they do and then get the praise they get. isn’t m. ezra petronio making enough dough with his advertising work for every brand that’s out there? how about m. olivier zahm with his commercial work for chanel? did he really need to pander to armani on his blog that i haven’t looked at in a year? what happened to your philosophical writer partner mr. zahm? these guys seem to monopolize the fashion world between them yet i guess they sell themselves too cheap and still need your $40. makes me wanna occupy purple headquarters instead of wall street. somebody save this disaster please. what happened to interview mag or details of the early years? is everything up for sale except love, dd? by xy


sorry to be a downer but y’all got plenty of phony up-beat messages to counter little me, not to mention the readily available pills and drugs to sooth your reality… saw this and it  fully hit the spot… its really incredible how lonely you can feel sometimes in a world filled with so many fucking people. i wanna go to mars and live the rest of my life alone… moon was my first choice but they already fucked that one up. by dd


would have loved being a little mouse sitting at this meeting with the big boys… marc jacobs, wes anderson, jarvis cocker and ezra petronio, in pretty good company. shot by katja rahlwes for self service #23. by pp.