berndnaut smilde

artist berndnaut smilde focuses his pieces on the physical presence of transitional spaces, in other words, that which we tend to neglect and exists IN BETWEEN.  a brilliant idea, reading between the lines so to speak, in the linear concept of reality and otherwise.  this exhibits smilde’s cloud formations.  imagine your own cumulonimbus right in the comfort of your own living room.  i’ll take two.  more seen hereby sv

bk bbq’s

all those american’s around me are gearing up for the 4th. i personally get in step for july 1st… but anyways. regardless of your national day, nothing beats a rooftop barbeeque in the kingdom of brooklyn. care to join?  by kl

of all places, not australia but ecuador?

let’s not confuse the facts here, ecuador is not exactly a place we’d consider ideal and surely they have their issues and internal agendas for considering taking on julian assange under asylum. but non-the-less i have come to appreciate ecuador’s stance not to mention their balls. the world, or better put the citizens of this world, should be ashamed of themselves when the peace prize is given to war mongers and terrorist and the one person who reveals the truth is being hunted down by our various governments. the very governments we consider to be the best of the best in terms of fairness, in terms of freedom of the press. you think the US is great? how about UK? what about sweden? well think again, an independent international body, “reporters without borders” press freedom index  rates sweden today to be ranked as the 12th, the united states justice system to be the 47th in the world, and the UK to be the 28th. that means there are 47 other countries that rate higher in press freedom than the US and 28 country’s above the UK.  its mind boggling? imagine that… were would water gate be with out assange and his like? shame indeed. watch the pathetic cnn anchor “do his job”… i wonder what amount of money warrants selling your soul? by xy

plastic wishes

after a day like today a plastic sundress is a brilliant idea and i’m SO anti-plastic. it’s the death of the the world, but i guess you could argue the same of supermodels.  by kl

Gao Brothers: ‘The Execution of Christ’


“Execution of Christ” by the Gao brothers, a life size, bronze sculpture in which Jesus faces a firing squad of Chairman Maos. This piece is an appropriation of Manet’s ‘The Execution of Emperor Maximilian’,  now showing as part of  the “Death” exhibition  at The SHOWstudio Shop in London from 21st of June through to the 31st. by cp

avedon at the gagosian

this fantastic exhibit, which runs through july at the gagosian gallery, features andy warhol and his factory kids, the chicago seven, the mission council of the vietnam war, and my personal favorite—the one and only allen ginsberg.  the photos of ginsberg range from above to more personal shots of his family.  the juxtaposition of subjects in this exhibit is mind-boggling; it ranges from the radical to the politically erect.  standing in the center of the gallery amidst a whirlwind of the 1960’s, this is a must-see for anyone with half a mind. by sv

terribly missed 2

one of my favorite tracks went something like this… “well i wake up in the morning, look at my clock, it’s way past noon time, now i’m late for work. tell me, tell me, what have i done wrong? ain’t nothing go right with me must be I’ve been smoking too long.

well I go to find me some breakfast but I ain’t got no food take me a shower, but the water don’t feel no good. i’ve got opium in my chimney no other life to choose. nightmare made of hash dreams got the devil in my shoes tell me…

well when I’m smoking, put my worries on a shelf, don’t think about nothin’ try not to see myself. tell me, tell me, what have i done wrong? ain’t nothing go right with me must be I’ve been smoking too long….

well in this blues I’m singin’ there’s a lesson to be learned don’t go around smokin’ unless you want to get burned.

*disclaimer: smoking is pretty damn lame… although i do it myself by dd