super funny… thanx nikki for sharing… my best friend was black too… actually she’s still black. i get derogatory comments all the time, but unless they are untrue i usually accept them. like when someone says “damn, you have a big nose”, well its kinda true. what am i supposed to say other than “very good observation.” funny enough, we were talkin’ about “dis shit” the other day… cause we talk about a lot of shit… so while we don’t give 2 bits about being “poetically-correct”,not only a horrendous combination of words, but a term that FYI was created for a bunch of self-conscious, guilt-ridden people (i.e. politicians, germans, and southern americans) with a history of bigotry, we get the point of it all.  i mean if your conscience is clear, or if your visiting from mars (like we are) you will comfortably call a fat person fat, a tall person tall, a black person black, a blond girl blond, a lion a lion, and a cigarette a fag… well only if you’re in london. this only becomes an issue if you really have an issue with who you are… and “damn girl” don’t most earthlings have an issue. by nm

Parasomnia – BY Viviane Sassen

i love how photographer vivian sassen‘s fashion work is hidden on her site under ‘commissioned works’, rightly so though, as her various series exploring her african nostalgia are so much more special.
parasomnia was an exhibition at the MoMA last year. parasomnia is a category of sleep disorder whose symptoms include abnormal dreams, nightmares, and sleepwalking. in these surreal pictures, sassen invites us to follow her on a journey through the mysterious remnants of her memories.  by kl

melancholia world, what a joke: lars von trier banned from cannes for his nazi joke

what a paranoid world we live in, you can be for war or against war, you can be a racist or against it, you can believe in god or nothing at all, you can blast a government or wave the flag, you can make fun of the pope or worship him… there are all kinds of freaks out there and unless they take actions to harm others, they are entitled to their views. now what is it that makes muslims and jews think they can gag people over jokes they don’t like? in this case, lars’s comments about being a nazi were clearly a joke. as a matter of fact, if they were real he would have kept them to himself…  he says he does not approve of the wars or the nazis, after all, the man was raised with a jewish stepfather. so while he may have related to speer’s architecture or hitler’s desperate last hours that doesn’t make him a supporter to their horrific acts, it makes him a human. this policing of the arts by a bunch of real SS-bigots at cannes is a bit sickening, especially when affecting such a genius over some silly remark. can someone please find us a planet to move to and leave all of this world’s fucked up issues behind? it’s so damn boring… by ar