black hole effect

vantablack art tomorrow started

Vantablack tomorrow started

we can’t wait for the new “vantablack” to hit the shelves manifested as a little black chanel dress or a saint laurent suit. the newly created nano material is capable of absorbing 99.965 percent of light within the visible spectrum, making it the darkest material known to man. the material, so dark that you actually can’t see it, is so mind boggling that when observed in real life, it is like looking into a never ending black hole. naturally no image of the material can reproduce the black hole effect. by kt

glass house by tokujin yoshioka

tokujin yoshioka glass teahouse 1

tokujin yoshioka glass teahouse 2

tokujin yoshioka glass teahouse 3

tokujin yoshioka glass teahouse 4

tokujin yoshioka glass teahouse 5

we find a lot of inspiration in tokujin yoshioka’s projects, and one of his latest finalized piece is quite phenomenal. yoshioka have made a reinterpretation of a japanese tea house made entirely of glass, residing next to a buddhist temple in kyoto. by kt

the powers of katsu

katsu power of ten eames graffiti power of katsu

now that katsu did the first drone graffiti in the world on the latest kendall jenner ck billboard, we thought it was a good opportunity to post the great graffiti version of the classic eames movie, powers of ten. by kt


bas jan ader the fall amsterdam 1970


bas jan ader, the dutch conceptual artist and anomaly that disappeared at sea in the atlantic ocean. one of my favorite shots above from his series “the fall”. by sp

abandoned hotels





as if time has stood still since the last occupant. eerie does not even begin to describe what urban explorer thomas windisch has captured of the present state, vacated and forgotten hotels of austria. marvel at these snapshots from the link above. by lb


“see, i will always have this penchant for what i call kamikaze women. i call them kamikazes because they, you know they crash their plane, they’re self destructive.
but they crash into you, and you die along with them.”

woody allen

csys lamp

jake dyson csys 1

jake dyson csys 3

jake dyson csys lamp

jake dyson csys 2

if you need a new floor or desk lamp, we highly recommend the csys lamp, designed by jake dyson (yes, its the son of the legendary vacuum designer james dyson). the beauty in the design comes from a highly technical and sophisticated approach to improve the longevity of the led bulbs and to enhance the user experience when adjusting the position of the light source. it’s revitalizing to see a designer developing a new lamp (since we really don’t need yet another one…) with a purely functionality approach and where the aesthetic is a byproduct of the construction rather than a mindless shell. by kt

nobu white plains: ex-nobu chef opens sushi nanase


white plains is not exactly on the list of places to go but this is worth the trip. no walk-ins, make a reservation, “please don’t mix the wasabi in the soy sauce”, ask questions. show your interest. you will find that the takedas open up in their quiet, reverent way. by av

American dream: the ford GT40 story, it’s history and it’s versions at the 24 hours of le mans race


the story of ford GT40 is an incredible one. and yes that is steve mcqueen next to the MKIV with taped-up front lights. they did that to protect the headlights from flying debris during the day to limit maintenance in the 24hr race. winner of le mans, bagging 1st, 2nd and 3rd position against ferrari in 1966 is the stuff of legends. if you don’t know about the story of ford and ferrari’s feud, it is worth checking this out. here’s a conclusive look at the ford gt models starting with the prototype. anyone with further knowledge is encourage to make corrections in the comments or just email us to update. that would be much appreciated, as we couldn’t find a single site showing the range of models. thanx.

1964-1965 GT40 108


above and below: henry ford II in the ford GT40 108 prototype roadster back in the USA in 1965



one of the earlier (i believe 1964) ford GT40 models on the race track


in 1964 ford attended the lemans but all cars fell behind ferrari due to repeated pitstops credited to massive gas consumption of the mega powered ford engines. finally all ford GT40’s dropped out due to mechanical failure and ferrari as usual took home 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize.


1964 official results 24 heures du mans” otherwise known as “le mans 24-hour race”

1st place – ferrari       2nd place -ferrari       3rd place -ferrari

1964-1965 GT40 MKI



notice the bat mobile wings on this GT40 i had never seen that myself. like back in 1964 ford did not manage to win or even complete the  race with its GT40 prototypes.


1965 official results of the le mans 24-hour race

1st place – ferrari       2nd place -ferrari       3rd place -ferrari

1966 GT40 MKII-MKI


this was the decisive year for henry ford the II and his GT40’s, by now ford had various improved versions of the GT40 MKII and MKI’s in the race driven by australian drives bruce mclaren and chris amon amongst others


the number 5 GT40 in gold and pink livery. in 1966 ford managed to win lemans for the first time, in positions 1, 2 and 3 finally taking vengeance on ferrari for all that enzo ferrari had done to henry ford the II. (more on that story here)


the #2 for GT40 in black white with gold rims driven by bruce mclaren and chris amon (the 24 hr race requires drivers to take turn as its a continues race for 24 hours)


the #2 car finishes first ahead of the other 2 fords.



the trio immortalized in detailed die cast available here for around $2,000


1966 official results of the le mans 24-hour race

1st place – ford       2nd place -ford       3rd place -ford

1967 GT40 MKIV



having wounded ferrari ford had to come back to lemans with a bigger gun. the MKIV was born


but ford wasn’t going to take any chances aside from the 4 GT40 MKIV’s there was also a MKII entered into the race


and the race was on…




ford once again took 1st place but this time ferrari was on its tail on position 2 and 3. the aerodynamic MKIV did not stand up to the test as well as the MKII’s did back in 1966, but winning lemans in 1st place is major accomplishment 2 years in a row for a company known for making mass production models Ts.


1967 official results of the le mans 24-hour race

1st place – ford       2nd place – ferrari       3rd place – ferrari

1968 back to GT40 MKI again




the revised ford GT40 MKI in gulf livery


car number 9 driven by pedro rodriguez and lucien bianchi wind the race


this is also the year actor steve mcqueen films the feature “le mans” using a modified GT40 to mount the camera on


1968 official results of the le mans 24-hour race

1st place – ford again       2nd place – porsche       3rd place – porsche

1969 GT40 MKI



troubles for ford

frdconcepts 02detroit

and yet… ford wins first again for the 4th year in a row… and where is enzo ferrari?


the story and the cars that came out of that story are simply legend and carry with them more than just beauty and power but an attitude of a man bent on making a point. now how can any one not love that? recently a GT40 used by steve mcqueen sold for an unbelievable price of $11,000,000, what a steal. by dd