Sonnet 109

“O never say that I was false of heart,
Though absence seemed my flame to qualify.
As easy might I from myself depart
As from my soul, which in thy breast doth lie.
That is my home of love; if I have ranged,
Like him that travels I return again,
Just to the time, not with the time exchanged,
So that myself bring water for my stain.
Never believe, though in my nature reigned
All frailties that besiege all kinds of blood,
That it could so preposterously be stained
To leave for nothing all thy sum of good.
  For nothing this wide universe I call,
  Save thou, my rose; in it thou art my all.”

– William Shakespeare

jordan betten: lost art

new york based jordan betten, founder of lost art, the handmade leather goods merchant to the music elite (steven tyler, sean lennon, lenny kravitz …)  has released a collection of 5 t-shirts on his website for $60-80 each. we are kind of diggin’ ’em. wear art, not brands, people! by kgb

rise and shine

edward hopper morning sun

edward hopper’s gorgeous 1952 painting, morning sun, currently resides in the columbus museum of art, but shines its light on any onlooker no matter their location. looking out my brooklyn window early this morning (in a pink gown, no less) i am overcome by the change of season, and the multitude of meaning in this painting. the light reflecting upon her body and forming the stark shadows is ever so important, almost the focal point of the painting. but without that body, the light and its path would be stagnant. on the other hand, despite the open window (always a recurring motif in hopper’s work, and one that even encapsulates david lynch) and the endless possibility of what’s going on outside, the woman appears listless. she is pensive, alert only to her own movements and thoughts. i could go on for a while about how overwhelming this painting is; i will let you devour the beauty on your own. to an autumn full of change, full of art and full of bathing ourselves clean after swimming in all that negativity. by sv

bouroullec ring the curtain down

tomorrow started bouroullec kvadrat

tomorrow started bouroullec kvadrat curtains

tomorrow started curtains bouroullec brothers textile

we have been big fans of the bouroullec brothers since we saw the cloud modules in 2001. the design duo did an amazing collaboration with the danish textile company kvadrat a while ago, and we just adore the simplicity. hit the link to read more. by kt

david hockney: woldgate woods 9 camera video

this is how the cameras were mounted and operated by hockney himself

thank you chris obrien for the video

love this video series by david hockney of woldgate woods, england where he lived. there were the four seasons captured on video through this 9 panel installation mirroring his polaroids and photographs he’s so well known for. the winter sequence shot on november 26th (2010) is currently at pace gallery new york and seeing it was so beautiful, it made me want to move out of the city for the first time. worth a visit if you can skip a few shows. by uh

fashion week: gareth pugh vs. godzilla and how gareth saved new york from itself

rocking the fashion world, one low-res screen at a time

houston we have lift-off

only thing missing was lighters in the crowd

ss15: gareth pugh the brit fashion cult-icon and ex-intern at rick owens, rocked new york city two nights ago the way only rock stars can… and what a breath of fresh air that was, in this desolate world of new york fashion. how many marc jacobs (even he ran away), donna karans, calvin klein, ralph laurens shows can you go to? and once you get there what surprise is awaiting you? more merchandise to sell… in bulk. m. arnault is counting big on marc jacobs IPO. they may all be rich but not very interesting, atleast to me. “oh come on” you may say, but then there are the accused alternative gang of poor, richard chai, rodarte, narciso rodriguez and the like who do their very best in an atmosphere of drab-ery and politics, driven by the end dollar sales, aiming to inject an ounce of creativity if they can manage to sneak that in… just ask, in private they will all agree. you add to this the fact that every manny, moe & jack celebrity who has started a line (gwen stefani’s L.A.M.B. made the harper’s bazaar hotlist!!) and that every editor with a paying job is obliged to cover the crap, and you end up with a uninspiring cycle that has every average citizen in milwaukee sporting a designer hand bag, from canal street. success? maybe? but not really. i mean the minute every joe and sally wants something, its clearly not that genius or that special anymore. because by default in order to be “that popular” you have to pass everyone’s acceptance meter. well we’ve all seen what committees do to brilliance, now make that committee half the population of earth, and that’s what you get. mediocre but still over priced rags we have to all accept and choose from. pink slime… sort of.


in the midst of all this, with mercedes-benz buying out fashion week on wholesale, little lexus rocks the boat by funding gareth pugh. and what a show that was. the waiters, food, and drinks aside, the impression of the presentation was epic. i cant remember a single outfit, and editors will be quick to justify just that. how the show was great but will not sell a single piece. well last time i checked half the runways looks never got produced thanks to buyers who second guess the public, and rightly so, after all they are after the mass. and the designers have obliged. but the show has always been about the philosophy and direction of a designer (if they happen to have one), much more than a single piece that sells… and if there is one thing you can take home with you from gareths show is that hes a genius, he is a true creative, with a new vision and great taste. that’s going to get me into the store or the site, and only then, as with everything else, i will chose to buy something or not. as for lexus, hats off to them supporting such a great talent and saving new york from itself. after all new york is what it is today thanks to thousands of fleeing souls from europe and across the world in WW2 who came here and were able to do what they couldn’t do elsewhere. looks like we need to import a bunch more, gareth is welcome any day. it seems like once they get here, and sit a while and get comfy they forget what it was all about. well-done lexus for your smart jab at mercedes for a fraction of their investment… just stay off the cobalt blue car at the entrance next time… or check with us before picking colors… otherwise a silver one would do just fine. you can also read tim blanks thoughts from he had nice things to say but was rather more diplomatic than us. by dd

the knife vs. nick cave: pass this on or aka 15 feet of pure white snow



pass this on… one of our old time favorite songs by swedish band the knife. we were actually just talking about the norwegian band röyksopp and how i never really loved their music that much, except maybe the track “the drug”, or “what else is there” which ironically features the lead singer from the knife. so then we looked up “pass this on” and from there i was saying how this video was inspired by master of ceremonies himself… mister nick cave, and his amazing video which we had posted in the past; 15 feet of pure white snow featuring britpop prince, jarvis cocker on the dance floor…  i saw it necessary to insure we post this and link it to the old post on nick cave and leave it to you to judge the rest. but the similarity and style of the two videos are impossible to miss. see for yourself. ok… happy friday and good weekend, good vibes, positive thinking, sunshine, bubble gum and all that prozac crap… sorry someone told me today to be positive, so i’m doing my best. by dd

endless summer


just when we thought summer was over in new york, we have staggering temperatures into september, it definitely feels like an endless summer, and it makes us want to catch that wave one more time. by kt