bloody, bloody jeff koons

jeff koons vandalized

these days when gallivanting in new york city, the presence of jeff koons is preeminent. his retrospective at the whitney museum is the first for both the artist and the museum; his work fills the entirety of the marcel breuer building. hated and loved by critics alike, one in particular took it upon himself to enter the retrospective yesterday, splatter red paint (in all its fallen angel glory) all over the wall and scribble a somewhat unidentifiable signature below. it is rumored to be monty cantsin (alias of istvan candor, a neoist), or possibly johnny rotten’s evil twin? either way, if you don’t agree with the politicking behind jeff koons, is this the best way to display that? [image and information courtesy of hyperallergicby sv


the new classic




it is not every day we stumble upon a new and great design. we don’t have anything against contemporary product design, in fact, there’s a lot of good new stuff popping up here and there… but… when we see something new that feels and looks like it should have been there already, we know that we have something really amazing. manufactured by flos, the italian company that have brought to life some of the most iconic lamps in the past 50 years, the ic-lights designed by michael anastassiades are definitely a new classic worthy of the honorable lamp producer. hit the link to purchase one or more of the 8 versions available from the series. by kt

hudson valley goodness


sometime between now and mid autumn, make your way out of the city and spend sometime with nature. get some fresh air and a good natural workout.

head up from grand central on the metro-north to the cold spring stop in the hudson valley and hike breakneck trail. it is both rewarding with it’s views and it’s challenges. the ‘trail’ is not for the weary. not for those who are scared of heights, not for those who are not limber, not for those who will wimp out. this one is serious but fun.

bring plenty of water, a camera or at least your phone, some protein and fruits to snack on (plenty of places to do a beautiful picnic even.) wear good sneakers with traction or hiking footwear with good thick socks. wear sunscreen and bug repellent. sunglasses optional but on a sunny day a good, secure pair will prevent a nice eyeball sunburn ( thats a real thing.) bring a small first aid kit in-case of any scrapes from the rock faces you’re about to beast. bring someone who is going to love it as much as you.

some stats:

the scenery- unreal and picturesque on a clear day

difficulty- 10 out of 10

highlights- insane views, incredibly steep trail, rock scrambling

distance- 3.7 – 4.0 mile loop

approximate roundtrip time- 4 hours

total ascent- 1,442 feet


my personal experience: i came off that trail feeling entirely accomplished, healthy, and clear minded. then i had a beer to reward myself for kicking my ass that hard on a sunday.

good luck and if you get around to discovering this hike, please share your experience in our comments section of this post!


sources ( and thank you to ) hike the hudson valley, new york state parks by pl


tarkovsky the artist exists

but is it the artist’s job to perfect the world, or merely to synthesize themselves with the already existing imperfections? something to ponder today, to sleep on tonight, and to question tomorrow morning. by sv

stingray, baby


the 1963 ‘fuel injected’ corvette stingray: the most perfect corvette design ever.

the introduction of the 1963 corvette stingray was a seismic event in the sports car world. the first all-new corvette since the two-seater’s debut ten years earlier, the 1963 stingray was both an engineering triumph and a design milestone. the car incorporated a boat-tail taper that was common to sporting roadsters of the 1930s.

the back featured a bugatti atlantique and bertone BAT inspired split rear window. this styling was replaced in 1964 with a single piece because of drivers complaining about visibility problems. the headlights were concealed in the front and would ‘pop’ out when in use.


this was the very first time a corvette was available as a hardtop coupe model as well as the traditional convertible. the wheelbase was shortened by four inches to .98 of an inch. this, along with independent rear suspension, improved the handling and maneuverability.

influenced by bill mitchell’s racing stingray and the Q corvette designs from 1957, the new body was an absolute sensation. elements of the Q corvette and the stingray special racer were incorporated into an experimental project called xp-720, which was the design program that led directly to the production of the 1963 corvette stingray.

the new styling was a big hit; its angular body with a minimum of bright work and a distinctive split rear window on the coupe version. this was the first year that corvette offered both convertible and coupe body forms, and nonfunctional vents were featured on both the sides and the hood and it was the only year for the split window.

there are fewer split window models today compared to how many were originally produced, because many owners who found the look controversial removed the split and installed a one-piece, 1964 rear window.

models such as the one seen above have auctioned at over $200,000.  by dd

the ipês house


the design of a floating box with well-defined edges and perfect symmetry seems to be popular with designers across the globe as we are seeing homes with similar design take shape in most of europe, latin america and the us. that does not mean that each of them stops adding their own individual touch as the ipês house in sao paulo, brazil showcases. while the home itself looks like a beautiful floating box cast in concrete and wood, there is a lot more to it than meets the eye.

ipes-house-sao paulo- brazil-modern-architecture-pool-daytime

designed by marcio kogan’s StudioMK27, the home is pretty much a perfect template for anyone who wishes to build a contemporary house that is both sophisticated and an absolute dream to live in. the ipês house looks like a giant concrete block floating over a dreamy glass base and this is achieved by the balanced use of concrete, wood and glass on the exterior, while the interiors remain spacious and light.

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ipes-house-sao paulo- brazil-modern-architecture-best-wine-cellar

ipes-house-sao paulo- brazil-modern-architecture-pool-dusk

ipes-house-sao paulo- brazil-modern-architecture

the wooden folds that can be opened and closed at your will give the bedrooms in the top floor all the privacy that they need and also allow for ample natural ventilation during daytime. neutral shades and the use of grays ensure that the interiors are chic and fashionable, with décor being kept uncomplicated and elegant. the design of the pool also complements the basic structure beautifully, while the ample patio space allows you to kick back and put your feet up after a long day’s work. (source: decoist)  by kgb

my first fictional crush


catcher-in-the-rye-front-cover copy

if you went through young adulthood or college without reading this, then i feel very sorry for you. holden caulfield is by far one of the most fascinating characters in fictional literature… and i find him quite appealing. i would have dated him at the time that i first read it. take the weekend to get to your favorite bookstore and catch up on what you missed. by kgb

léos carax: monsieur merde in tokyo


a crazy and impressive short film by carax. not much unlike david lynch (double negate), leos carax seems to play by his own rules. the films are open ended and sometimes frustrating as they do not result in any intelligible conclusion, but one has to admire the madness and creativity backed by such massive effort to make films that simply can not possibly sell tickets at the box office. its reassuring that there are others out there who give little “merde” about money and what the general public sees as success… i highly recommend seeing this little french film, dedicated to tokyo with love.

a little “intelligible” review: “merde (french for “shit”) is the name given to an unkempt, gibberish-spewing subterranean creature of the tokyo sewers, played by denis lavant, who rises from the underground lair where he dwells to attack unsuspecting locals in increasingly brazen and terrifying ways: he steals cash and cigarettes from passersby, frightens old women and salaciously licks schoolgirls, resulting in a televised media frenzy that creates mounting hysteria among the tokyo populace. after discovering an arsenal of hand grenades in his underground lair, merde slips into full-on assault mode, hurling the munitions at random citizens and creating a godzilla-like atmosphere of urban terror, which the media promptly laps up and reflects back to its equally voracious television audience. enter pompous french magistrate maître voland (jean francois balmer) — a dead ringer for the sewer creature’s gnarled and twisted demeanor — who arrives in tokyo to represent merde’s inevitable televised trial, claiming to be one of only three in the world able to speak his client’s unintelligible language. the media circus mounts as lawyer defends client in a surreal court of law hungry for a satisfying resolution. merde is tried, convicted and sentenced to death — until justice takes an unexpected turn.” by uh

more days like this

ok fall, were ready for you

hallelujah! new yorkers are being treated to a nice chill in the air. i say bring it on!

while this summer’s scorch was not as bad for nyc as everyone thought it would be, i feel as though i have experienced enough stickiness for my first summer in the city. i am ready, pre-labour day, for this chill in the air. don’t get me wrong, i love the heat, but i don’t like summer clothing options as much. i long for my fall wardrobe. it’s my best dressed season. i pull it off better (not afraid to admit that i know that.) have you thought about what your best sartorial season is? do tell.

there is only so much black you can wear in the summer…

who’s with me? by kgb

simon del desierto

simon of the desert still 001

simon of the fesert still 002

silvia penal sits at the bottom of the pillar, taunting simon of the desert, temptress that she is! bunuel’s succinct mockery of religion (one amongst many) is a must-see for all you i-don’t-know-what-i-believe-rs. learn a lesson from the surrealist master! by sv