
the pxl-2000 was a rare gem. It used an audio tape to record, what we may now call, low-fi video. poke around the internet to find a few examples of the amazing images it was able to record. if you want to find out more, check it out here. by bw

Tight Pants Yardies

who’s to say duke baysee isn’t the voice of a generation?  jean pants really found a place in his heart, take a listen to the 20 minutes of vamping. by bw

la montagne sacrée

holy mountain french movie poster
ce movie est étrange, but man, it stays with you for a long time afterwards.  a beautiful french poster for the film that’s chock full of tarot, jesus christ, and all those other taboo and absurd topics!  thank you mr. jodorowsky, and thank you to the lovely lil for letting me bother and interrupt for my translations 😉 by sv