bird of gloom: even nick is pissed off

ok, i know the picture and the lyrics don’t match up on dates, but hell, it’s the best of the batch and my two favorites.  i mean we’re indeed just a microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan, lyrics to the red right hand by nick cave:

“take a little walk to the edge of town, go across the tracks
where the viaduct looms like a bird of doom, as it shifts and cracks
where secrets lie in the border fires, in the humming wires,
hey man you know you’re never coming back
past the square, past the bridge, past the mills past the stacks
on a gathering storm comes a tall handsome man
in a dusty black coat with a red right hand.

he’ll wrap you in his arms tell you that you’ve been a good boy
he’ll rekindle all the dreams it took you a lifetime to destroy.
he’ll reach deep into your soul, steal your shrinking soul
but there wont be a single thing that you can do
he’s a god, he’s a man, he’s a ghost, he’s a guru
they’re whispering his name though this disappearing land
but hidden in his coat is a red right hand

you don’t own no money? he’ll get you some
you don’t have no car? he’ll get you one
you don’t have no self respect you feel like an insect,
well don’t you worry buddy cuz’ here he comes
through the ghettos and the barrio and the bowery and the slums
a shadow is cast where ever he stands
stacks of green paper in his red right hand

you’ll see him in your nightmares, you’ll see him in your dreams
he’ll appear out of no where but he ‘aint what he seems
you’ll see him in your head, on the tv screen
and hey buddy, i’m warning you to turn it off
he’s a ghost, he’s a god, he’s a man, he’s a guru
you’re one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan
designed and directed by his red right hand.

by dd

kanye west – ego-licious

Kanye-West-Nick-Knight-interview-nyt“i think what kanye west is going to mean is something similar to what steve jobs means. i am undoubtedly, you know, steve of internet, downtown, fashion, culture. period. by a long jump. i honestly feel that because steve has passed, you know, it’s like when biggie passed and jay-z was allowed to become jay-z.”

yeah right kanye…. be careful, ego-licious interview here by pp.

wanna be an artist?

1 in 5 teenagers will experiment with art

51% of kids wanna grow up and become a rock star, the other 49% go to art school and wanna be in the “creative field”. it’s the easiest cop-out in history, cause it’s “cool” and seems fun and easy enough. the bonus is you can brag to your friends about what you do, and you can finally justify that stupid outfit you’ve been wearing. with all of that who would want to become a scientist? that sounds hard, if not outright boring! until the time comes when you actually have to “be” a real artist, and 98% of that 49% go crying back to their mommies and beg for their boo boo bunnies. the other 1% drift in-and-out of art rehab and the last 1% actually become what they wanted to be. so listen up kids, being an artist sucks. it’s damn hard, it takes commitment, passion and 110% of what you probably don’t have. if perchance you do have all of that, very few ever make any money at it. so basically, go back and study to become a banker, or a business man. your mom and dad will surely be pleased. by ht