the other warhol – les levine

Les Levine_Levine-Untitled-1 Les Levine_Levine-Untitled-7by les levine, irish-canadian artist… deemed “the other warhol” even though his works were generally ‘pre’ not ‘post’. he was a major precursor to the conceptual movement, but considered himself  a ‘media sculptor’ as he was one of the first to use technology and information as a base for his art works. 
by kl

point of snchez

another sofia sanchez & mauro mongiello installment with a vanessa beecroft rip in a wolfgang tillmans show. well, not bad after all. by dd



…is an aphorism or a collection of such aphorisms in the form of a manual, or more broadly, a text in hinduism or buddhism, literally meaning a thread or line that holds things together. it is also a current performance at sadler’s wells in london.  i very much envy those who have the opportunity to experience. inspired by the serenity of shaolin monks from china, choreographer sidi larbi cherkaoui decided to collaborate with them for an hour-long piece for the stage. by kl

hiroshi sugimoto: Light is my medium

hiroshi sugimoto lake superior cascade 1995

hiroshi sugimoto seascape ligurian sea saviore 1993

will today’s conceptual art survive another eight hundred years? this was asked of hiroshi sugimoto, and  his response was blank: “it is very optimistic to think that 2800 will be witnessed by man”. regarding the seascapes above he said: “it is very important to know the name of the sea and location where my seascapes are taken. i want the viewer to imagine the sea before it was named: what would you call it if you were the first to lay eyes on it?” sea of light… by uh

andy warhol – secret stash

privatus in london (not really sure what it is) is showcasing a rare stash of andy warhol polaroids, i’m sure there is billions still to be discovered (and sell) but these ones are pretty cool for sure by pp.