burning man

when looking back at this years past events in the world there is one image that is etched permanently into my retinas. it’s the image of jamphel yeshi, a 27 year old exhile from tibet, who set himself on fire to protest a visit from the chinese president to india. I can’t be the only one, as several artist have been inspired or payed tribute to him. by wn

mr. delhomme

was so happy the other day to find a super nice interview of mr. jean philippe delhomme on garance dore’s blog. rather unexpected place to read about the guy, but lovely nonetheless. seeing his work on campaigns or wherever is too rare but always so inspiring and nice! the book on his digital alias the unknown hipster is definitely a must for christmas. by pp.


favorite quote from an interview for a book i’m oddly compelled to read…

why is france such a poor market for contemporary art, compared to london, new york and LA?

because the french have a more refined sense of taste and self-worth and are therefore much less suggestible to hype and mediocrity. i try to avoid the country as much as possible.”

– charles saatchi

maybe it’s the biblical format for words on the art world.  kl

shelter serra and helmut lang

grey area artist shelter serra will have his sculptures featured in helmut lang boutiques in new york, london and los angeles.  nephew of minimalist sculptor richard serra, shelter utilizes unique materials in order to exhibit usages and other depictions of everyday objects.  the grey area x helmut lang will feature vintage american car engines from the 1960’s and 1970’s. by sv

Hurricane Sandy: what a lame name?

the famous great wave off kanagawa

chief pontiac or ottawa

now watch i’ll get hammered for calling her lame, but what kind of lame name is sandy for a massive hurricane? i just cant take anyone with the name sandy that seriously. at least give it a 6 digit number like the japanese do with their typhoons (they get too many to give then names) or tap into the american indian vernacular to spark some imagination… like red cloud, little wolf, crazy horse, sitting bull, dull knife, he dog, or rain-in-the-face… and all those elaborate combinations are just all peoples names. and then we have sandy. i mean come on with your come on? by xy

Absurdity of art: author William Faulkner’s estate filed a lawsuit against Woody Allen for his use of a quote from a Faulkner novel

and yes film, when it’s film and not entertainment, is the ultimate art…

“faulkner’s likeness does not appear in the movie, but his words are quoted by owen wilson’s character. in a slight paraphrase of a line from faulkner’s novel ‘requiem for a nun,’ wilson’s character says, “the past is not dead! actually, it’s not even past.” the original quote reads, “the past is never dead. it’s not even past.”

unbelievable! petty! and of absolute bad taste… if anything woody allen has brought faulkner to a younger audience who would have mistaken him for owen wilson’s father-in-law. based on this absurd premise, jean luc godard should have been spending his life in court fending lawsuits instead of cooking culture. faulkner must have not left much money to his petty estate, who seem so desperate to make a buck. shame on them. see the film if you haven’t. its allen’s best film since manhattan. by uh

Martynka Wawrzyniak opening night at envoy for “smell me”

blood sweat and tears? well not quite, lets skip the blood.

it will all end in tears…. or in an armpit. polish artist martynka wawrzyniak demonstrates…

martynka wawrzyniak with sam and dawn goldworm

ucef hanjani and martynka wawrzyniak

photographer richard kern

“smell me” by martynka wawrzyniak was the perfect visceral self-portrait. one so intimate and original that either no one ever dared to do it, or one so intimate no one would have come to see it. that’s just 2 of the many good reasons why i went to see it.

“working with a research team of hunter college chemistry students under the guidance of professor donna mcgregor the artist underwent multiple experiments to collect aromatic elements from her body. she was subject to rigorous sessions to extract the concentrated essence of her sweat, tears, and hair to create an olfactory-based self-portrait that will engage visitors in a visceral form of communication without visuality as primary form.” – original post

the show will be up 10-20-2012 to 11-18-20012, at the new envoy gallery on 87 rivington street. with thanx to 12.29. by dd

arguably the most beautiful table in the world

sometimes it take a plumber to cook the finest meal, and sometimes it takes an artist to make the most beautiful furniture… well maybe the plumber shouldn’t touch the food but the artist part is quite true.

“i’ve always questioned design of what i’ve seen and i’ve always designed the things and spaces around me” donald judd by ht