hanging by a thread: incredible “drawings”

on view at the kunstgaleriebonn gallery in bonn from june 6th to july 20, 2012

detail:  the lines are actually thread glued down one at a time

“the thread has been adhered to the paper. the second layer… is adhered to the paper… at the intersections.”

incredible detail “drawing” by hadi tabatabi. that is if you can call them drawings, granted they are included in the sally & waynn kramarsky epic works-on-paper collection next to richard tuttle, robert smithson, jasper johns, eva hesse, donald judd, richard serra, john cage, and on and on. this new series is constructed with thread, a common material used by the artist in past work, but never in this manner… “in this new work there are two layers of thread. one layer sits directly on the paper, and the whole length of the thread has been adhered to the paper. the second layer which is perpendicular to the first layer sits on top of the first layer and is adhered to the paper only at the ends and to the first layer thread at the intersections.” this kind of patience and detail is something of an anomaly in our time, and that is exactly why i love this work. of course, nothing is like seeing these up-close. i bought a piece last year in new york from the danese gallery. if you are in germany in june/july check out the show “papier/paper III” at the kunstgaleriebonn, in bonn june 6th to july 20, and at the denese again in new york, june 14 through august 17. by wk

tom sachs space program mars: nasa meets nike, meets krink ink, meets tupac, meets playboy. it was one hell of a party

may 15th opening night at the tom sachs show at the new york park avenue armory

i’ve had eggs and bacon with buzz aldrin himself (no shit!) and i still found this to be pretty exciting

gravity defying counterfeit nike high-tops courtesy of mister tom sachs, i so wanted this one

authentic nasa fridge… the final frontier

i suppose you cant take your samsung point-and-shoot to the moon now can ya!

nasa taco truck, brilliant.

i’m not sure so don’t quote me, but i think this is john fuckin luries stinkin’ air jordans

thanx dre we missed you that night but you where there in spirit… and well as a ban-saw!

this was funny, vintage 60’s-70’s playboy issues painted in official nasa silver. upon exit of the show you walk through a metal detector while 3 mustache-laden nasa officials are busy reading playboys with the nasa silver cover

mars yard shoe, cause you won’t need high tops all the way up there. i was actually wondering that night what nike had to do with nasa and all? and the funny thing i learned was that nike has been and does actually supply nasa with many of the astronauts high tech fabrics and get-ups…

jerry-rigged nasa suit by tom sachs

nasa krink-ink, i mean you’re not gonna go all the way there and not tag shit.

maybe i can explain kl… so last week we somehow got on the premier nights invite list by mistake, sorta like peter sellers in blake edwards’ film “the party.”  it was a hike to the peak of manhattan, but it was tom sachs, and i was curious what sort of shenanigans he’d be up to in new york now that jeffrey‘s has flocked to la. i remember mid-way climbing up mount everest in the cab that i thought damn this better be worth it… but you know i grew up admiring nasa, wanted to be an astronaut, had every book on nasa and it’s space suits, and i even named my dog after the first dog in space… so why not? once there i stepped over the slimy olivier zahn, said hi to robert longo, pushed aside kanye west, hugged mario sorrenti, kissed bill cunningham’s forehead and grabbed some popcorn. the show was great and i had a big smile walking around. but while tom’s work is more trendy than serious and he has a bit of a frat boy humor for my taste, he does make me laugh and the show in a way made my grey week a bit more nasa red. i highly recommend all you art lovers to check it out. the show, at the park avenue armory is up till june 17th so hurry. by dd

i never knew i was a knoller

tom sachs is doing a project with or about NASA, i haven’t quite figured out yet. it sounds interesting tho. i wish i could stick around this weekend for the ‘breakfast on mars’ do at the armory in new york. but i’m not exactly here to discuss this project that i don’t even understand yet… but it was the lead in to his video “10 bullets” that i discovered on his SPACE PROGRAM: MARS website. the video is a short that lists the rules to his studio, and a brilliant guide for any small formation of humans banning together to create one body of work.

… thought i’d share it for both entertaining and practical reasons.  by kl

avedon at gagosian

lately, the gagosian galleries presented back to back shows that very few museum could put up. the new avedon exhibition is one of them, the huge prints of the warhol factory and the ginsberg crew are fantastic. some prints are more expected but always nice to see. makes you realize how the guy was ahead… and still is. a must see. by pp.


Erich Consemüller, Lis Beyer or Ise Gropius sitting on the B3 club chair by Marcel Breuer and wearing a mask by Oskar Schlemmer and dress fabric by Beyer, c.1927

on view at the barbican in the current show, bauhaus art as life. by pp.


cult fashion designer turned great artist, helmut lang shows his new work in nyc. it feels pretty good that it is in a townhouse rather than another white cube gallery. 24 Washington Square North, New York. ok, this one looks like something else… by pp.

this is not your grandma’s knitting art show

conosco is a group exhibition that will showcase a diverse range of mediums such as photography, drawing, on-site installation, sculpture, performance and fashion, with each artist offering a very distinct style. artists include: william carrà, eric chakeen, lukasz lyszak, chad moore, vitor moreira, MRKA, carolina pimenta, alexandra velasco, armando veve, marie vic, jade yumang and yichen zhou. (above photos are consecutively by chad moore, jade yumang, carolina pimenta, eric chakeen and alexandra velasco) check out these blooming artists in conosco in may 6th through may 20 in reverse art space in 28 frost street, brooklyn. for more info go to conoscoproject.org or check out their blog conoscoproject.tumblr.com to see what each artist is all about. by ak