maragret kilgallen

i remember reading somewhere that margaret kilgallen used to work in a public library so that she could tear off the firsts pages of some old and forgotten books to paint meticulous folk figures on them later. i also remember her being this shy lady on this video, drawing with chalk on train to set up conversations with hobo’s across the country. mind you, i would say that she was one of the first to be in this retro americana thing that seams to be the standard today. by pp.


once again anish exhibits in paris but this time at le grand palais. here we have an idea of how it looks from inside.i saw it without looking at previous pictures of the exhibit and it took me by surprise.the feeling when your inside is definitely not expected;the intensity of the red varies with the exposure to daylight. when i visited the exhibit it was late during the day and the corners inside the piece where dark creating the illusion of a deep black whole… at first the experience can be overwhelming as you are adapting to the surroundings but once you take a moment to walk around you can actually appreciate the piece. the sound inside and the echoes created by the walls are also something to hear for yourself. i really enjoy kapoor’s work because he values the interaction of the piece with the audience creating a different take from each individual.if you happen to be in in paris or planning to visit make sure you stop by le grand palais and see it for yourself. by ac

louise bourgeois – fabric work

i’m not really familiar with louise bourgeois’ work even if of course i know all the famous ones that are in collective consciousness, not really into all those phallic self centered art trends. so i was surprised when i saw those fabric work of her lately. feel very sensitive and romantic. by pp.

detroit: from rock-city to ruins by frank schwere

german born photographer frank schwere’s images depict the decay of america’s once shining beacon of industrialization. empty streets, burnt out shells of houses, industrial ruins, abandoned public buildings, vacant lots, derelict churches, weeds and potholes are today the face of detroit. devoid of humans, these images are reminiscent of war zones or natural disasters but in fact portray the results of failed politics and human neglect. exhibit at two rooms gallery through june 18th 2011. by dd

helmut newtons polaroids

pp already posted on this book which is a must have. here are 2 other plates. i’m sorry i never got to meet him but i can say that i spoke to him via phone me in los angeles and mr. newton in monaco. shame he is gone. by dd

jacques henri lartigue – master of the snapshot

looking back at jacques henri lartigue photographs recently, i was smitten by the snapshoty aspect of it. and actually it makes total sense, at the time photo was only for technical usage as well as rich people that could afford it. and lartigue was not only rich but he was young and has plenty pf time to laugh around. so the prohibitive price of a single snapshot had people only doing contrived picture, when jacques henri was snapping around. somehow, there is this kind of fresh and great aspect to his work that you see a lot those days on blogs and candid shot photographers portfolio. not sure if the vintage aspect makes me not being really objective, yet he seems to remain the master. love it! by pp.



beautiful image, wish we had seen this! unfortunately the credits were not available which is always a shame, with so many blogs (jjjjound included) who seem to take something and own it and don’t find it necessary to honor the original creator(s)… should anyone have any info please pass it my way via comments. enjoy. by dd