some flags are black

interesting how a formal and quite framed subject is interpreted by different artist and point of views and how something quite similar can make a total different sense for two different approach…
here is the black flag study! work by banks violette, lovett codagnone, marc bijl, richard pettibone, robert longo and hedi by pp.

more pierre le-tan

still can’t find much about the man on the net. but tells a bit more about his universe thought. something of a medley including a portrait of shy french writer patrick modiano, a not so shy new york skyline, some wildford manor pages and views of the studio by mister terestchenko. what else? by pp.

geoff mcfetridge – recent work

ok, that show is already over for quite a long time now but anyway, loved mister mcfetridge’s work and even if the wild things are things were not my cup of tea, the followings are.
this show took place at the great half gallery ( which is unfortunately a bit chaotic in it’s opening hours…) just mist it, too bad… by pp.

pierre le-tan / ivan terestchenko – objets trouvés

while zoning on my favorite blogs i naturally ended on the great one from the non the less great photographer ivan terestchenko. there was this post about illustrator pierre le-tan. since i grew up in paris, his illustrations were all around. i decided to post some of them but was really disappointed about what i found on the net (and i’m not talking about the dumb sun-tanning google ads when you hit pierre le-tan…). what is nice is the fact that i found an amazing website called designers books. they features pics of rare and out of print books… out those was “objets trouvés” which is a collaboration between the illustrator and the photographer mentioned above. never been able to check the inside before and as one can think when those two are involved, it’s great! by pp.