Harrier and Jaguar by Fionna Banner

i came across a recent commission of fionna banner by the tate britain. i must admit that i was unaware of her work before and feel like i’ve walked into a world i’ve been missing out on. her fascination with the emblem of the fighter plane gives us these elegant arrangements. she sees them as the ‘opposite of language’, used when communication fails …”harrier and jaguar remain ambiugous objects implying both captured beast and fallen trophy.” if you’re in london you can catch this exhibition until january 1011. i will definitely be exploring more of this delicately abrasive artists work. by kl

jsbj – je suis une bande de jeunes

jsbj self publish fanzine-like books of photographers. it’s so nice and powerful that it’s making me feel bad about not doing this kind of things. of course everything is out of print so forget about owning a print but i will be on the starting block for the next one. moving! by pp

warhol – all time fav’

few posts ago, i was talking about mr lichtenstein and how i was mostly attracted to the more confidential work of his (if we can say so). so i have the same feelings for andy’s, the first works, the ones that are not re-printed on bags, socks, umbrellas and so on, still feel really fresh. love when it’s not to produced. i won’t do a third post but i feel the same for the beatles… by pp’

paul lepreux: chewed up and spit out… not quite.

art reflects life : the bio of paul lepreux
paul lepreux was born in 1969……………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………………………………………….he is still alive.
by kl

ny bugs out in the summer

what just might happen if i come across another massive cockroach animal… running faster than my feet can take me. is it just me, or are they getting bigger? another catastrophie to hotter heat. btw, beautiful image is by paul lepreux. by kl

anonymous gem – beaubourg

i shot this piece of beauty in beaubourg at the “dreamland” exhibition (sorry for the bad crop). the rest of the show is pretty lame but this is a real gem. it’s from 1930 and anonymous, i would bet that was an inspiration for some of the most iconic shots from solve sundsbo. love it! by dns + pp

roy lichtenstein – still life at gagosian

generally not a huge fan, or maybe a bored fan of roy lichtenstein, it was rather refreshing to see the still life exhibition at gagosian. some of them have a modern yet minimal touch of color that is not that usual in lichtenstein work (photo). some are a bit boring too but worth checking anyway. by pp’

rob kulisek – waves obsessed

i’m sure that being obsessed with anything is the best way to produce singular work whether it is some obscure thing or even more obscure things but in any case, it’s better than being obsessed with what everybody else is.
anyway, in this particular case, photographer rob kulisek seems to be obsessed with sea, surf and everything evolving around it.
first heard of him through a nice niche clothing brand who sold print of his but really felt in love with the pictures when visiting his website. love the raw xerox style of those pictures, like a meeting between ari marcopoulos + julian schnabel… love it! by pp’

masao yamamoto

i went through an old issue of the great photography magazine “foam” and reminded how beautiful is the work of japanese photographer masao yamamoto. i actually own a book of his work but the other contributors of this blog keep an hand on it… more here

“masao yamamotois a japanese photographer who creates images that are essentially vignettes of nature and the human intersection with it, ruminating over the passage of time and memory. yamamoto has had solo as well as group exhibitions in europe and the united states. his work evinces a talent for combining virtuosity as a photographer with the fresh gaze of a child.”

by pp’