xavier veilhan – versailles

was in paris last week and happened to check this new show in versailles.  after jeff koons, french artist xavier veilhan placed his sculpture in the anachronistic decorum of the chateau. unlike koons, veilhan made a new series of works that are relevant to this particular place. really nice work, really amazing background. a must see if you happen to be around there sometime. check out the website for behind the scenes and more. by pp’

moonmilk – ryan mcginley

i guess by now everybody knows that ryan mcginley has a new show up in london, as it was announced pretty much everywhere.  i just saw the poster and thought it would be nice to share as it’s my favorite image of the new batch and the graphic aspect seems really relevant. by pp’

metaphysical abstraction

contemporary approaches to spiritual content, curated by jamie brunson & michelle mansour october 1 – november 29, 2009 at the berkeley art center. admission $5. featured work by jamie brunson, david ivan clark, david king, hadi tabatabai, alex zecca and more. by xy

ThreeASFOUR yoko ono posters

beautiful! if i had the space i would get them immediately… design trio threeASfour collaborated with yoko ono on their line inspired by ono’s rarely seen dot drawings, which the designers turned into limited-edition prints on cotton and silk for the new collection. this set of three individually numbered posters were executed for this occasion. each poster is 20 x 28 inches.

50 poster sets will be made available for purchase exclusively through our bookstore. each set consists of 3 individual designs. posters will be on display september 17, 2009 at milk studios for the debut of the collection during new york city fashion week. each unsigned poster pack is numbered x/50 and will be shipped flat. by dd

perfect lovers: felix gonzales torres vs. tobias wong

the original “perfect lovers” by felix gonzalez-torres, 1991. these two identical, adjacent and battery-operated clocks were initially set to the same time; but, within time, they will inevitably fall out of sync. so true.
‘perfect lovers’ by tobias wong. two commercial clocks outfitted with atomic radio receivers which automatically synchronize to the U.S. atomic clock and tells time accurate to 1 second every million years.

it’s funny, just yesterday we were speaking about tobias wong. a love/hate discussion, as one can imagine. in the end, we do love his work, and his ‘devil may care’ attitude in a sea of self-obsessed and self-serious artists and designers.  the two works may appear the same, they even bear the same title; however, i can’t say that wong has stolen anything here as the “idea” is altered which is far superior than the form.  in his own way, he is crushing the romantic notion of felix gonzalez-torres, where the clocks/lovers sadly fall apart in time. tobias’ version flexes its middle finger to all that is sentimental and romantic in the coldest and most rational way of all… the atomic clock. as KL suggested maybe he’s testing our knowledge? he could have credited felix gonzalez-torres for the inspiration… but that would be contrary to this icy-cold-world idea. by dd + kl

threeASFOUR + Yoko Ono

gabi at work on one of the collection’s pieces
sketches, fabrics and prints

the design trio threeASfour has collaborated with yoko ono on their spring 2010 collection, which they’ll show during new york fashion week, on september 17 at milk studios. ono’s dot-drawings have been turned into limited-edition prints on cotton and silk and i just can’t wait to see the result. the event will also include a preview of yoko ono’s new album, “between my head and the sky”. by kv

berlin bunker, boros collection

Pierre bergé was saying about the collection he put together with the late YSL that it is itself a piece of art, pending on what you buy, what you don’t and what you do with it. so we can say that german collector christian Boros is definitely doing a piece of art out of his collection that include works buy Olafur Eliasson, Elmgreen & Dragset, Sarah Lucas, Tobias Rehberger, Anselm Reyle, and Santiago Sierra by putting everything on view in an old bunker in berlin. prior to its use as a art gallery, it was among other, a night club as only berlin can have, a bunker or a squat… publishing house hatje cantz is releasing a book documenting this pieces of art in a piece of art. by pp’

tauba auerbach’s deitch catalog

i was looking over artist tauba auerbach catalog from an exhibition she did at deitch gallery today. it’s not just a beautiful book, it’s exactly what you expect from an exhibition book.  in other words, something that continues the experience, not photos that reproduce what you’ve just seen. on top of that, the manufacturing of the book is just sublime; no printed text, only debossings, holes, black and white and “thoughts for your eyes”…everything i love! by pp’

Picasso once said : Good artists borrow, great artists steal

i don’t know where i would place artist sam taylor wood in the master’s sentence, but i’ve always loved figuring out where an artist’s inspiration comes from.  i’m sure everyone has had the feeling of being so sure that an artist’s piece reminds one of another artist’s work and think that it might have inspired him/her…

well sam taylor wood’s work is obviously based on reinterpreting references, as in her earlier work, when her work was rather painting-like. she later introduced the the suspended pictures that are based on “le saut” (the jump) from yves klein.

so all that just to tell you that i’m pretty sure the crying men is a smart modernization of bas jan ader‘s finest work “i’m too sad to tell you”. by pp’