this blog is a visual notebook of inspirations for a group of bandit bloggers. we post things we see and like. our lives don’t revolve around singular topics and neither does our blog. sorry! nothing is in-or-out of context here. enjoy xx
“pop fashion rebel” jeremy scott showed up for his “spoiled child” launch in NYC
good music…
good drinks…
good skin…
good fun…
all for the future of wellness… atspoiled child where you can find everything…
from $45 hair masks, to $89 drinks, to $58 skincare, to $350 hoodies. there is even an $89 yoga mat for your consideration.
jeremy was to fashion what sex pistols were to music, or warhol to heavy art. he was one of the first to mash up adidas with designer fashion. made bad, look good (we wont forgive you for that j). made moschino well more moschino…. of course today all that seems par for the course… but somebody had to wear that safety pin first. seems like a long way to go to get here with wellness and all – but i suppose the whole kidrobot, BBC, glossed up jeff koons spaceman makes total sense for a face-cream, if its from the prince of pop. right? kiss! kiss! bang! bang! photo credit: matt weinberger. by kgb
you! yes you! purple magazine launch party at silencio club – 303 west 57th street
olivier zahn and stylist masha orlov
the incredible waris ahluwalia and friend
boni reiffers and friend
tyler mazaheri and alexander droth
a little older, a lot less sexier, but definitely still happening – purple magazine launch party for issue number 41 “the essence of fashion” during new york fashion week. by ac
blood sweat and tears? well not quite, lets skip the blood.
it will all end in tears…. or in an armpit. polish artist martynka wawrzyniak demonstrates…
martynka wawrzyniak with sam and dawn goldworm
ucef hanjani and martynka wawrzyniak
photographer richard kern
“smell me” by martynka wawrzyniak was the perfect visceral self-portrait. one so intimate and original that either no one ever dared to do it, or one so intimate no one would have come to see it. that’s just 2 of the many good reasons why i went to see it.
“working with a research team of hunter college chemistry students under the guidance of professor donna mcgregor the artist underwent multiple experiments to collect aromatic elements from her body. she was subject to rigorous sessions to extract the concentrated essence of her sweat, tears, and hair to create an olfactory-based self-portrait that will engage visitors in a visceral form of communication without visuality as primary form.” – original post
the show will be up 10-20-2012 to 11-18-20012, at the new envoy gallery on 87 rivington street. with thanx to 12.29. by dd
sounds like an PSA for non smoking…. but actually this is toshiro mifune and tatsuya nakadai smoking on the set of sanjuro or yojimbo as i remember it… reminds me of SV and I on our daily balcony outing…. this is an amazing film of course by akira kurosawa. i’ll be sure to watch them all once again this week since i’ll be home alone in the dark woods. by dd
quite a scene at BLK DNM’s summer party and jeans22 launch wed night with j.lindeberg, andre saraiva, waris ahluwalia, chloe sevigny, and other usual suspects…not sure if it was the delicious/deadly cucumber vodka drinks or some other special party favors in the mix…but a dance party certainly ensued. either way, nicely done with huge video projections and of course an andre original tag on one wall. although i probably could have done with a few less cucumber concoctions myself….TS needs to step up its party pants.. by m+m
may 15th opening night at the tom sachs show at the new york park avenue armory
i’ve had eggs and bacon with buzz aldrin himself (no shit!) and i still found this to be pretty exciting
gravity defying counterfeit nike high-tops courtesy of mister tom sachs, i so wanted this one
authentic nasa fridge… the final frontier
i suppose you cant take your samsung point-and-shoot to the moon now can ya!
nasa taco truck, brilliant.
i’m not sure so don’t quote me, but i think this is john fuckin luries stinkin’ air jordans
thanx dre we missed you that night but you where there in spirit… and well as a ban-saw!
this was funny, vintage 60’s-70’s playboy issues painted in official nasa silver. upon exit of the show you walk through a metal detector while 3 mustache-laden nasa officials are busy reading playboys with the nasa silver cover
mars yard shoe, cause you won’t need high tops all the way up there. i was actually wondering that night what nike had to do with nasa and all? and the funny thing i learned was that nike has been and does actually supply nasa with many of the astronauts high tech fabrics and get-ups…
jerry-rigged nasa suit by tom sachs
nasa krink-ink, i mean you’re not gonna go all the way there and not tag shit.
maybe i can explain kl… so last week we somehow got on the premier nights invite list by mistake, sorta like peter sellers in blake edwards’ film “the party.” it was a hike to the peak of manhattan, but it was tom sachs, and i was curious what sort of shenanigans he’d be up to in new york now that jeffrey‘s has flocked to la. i remember mid-way climbing up mount everest in the cab that i thought damn this better be worth it… but you know i grew up admiring nasa, wanted to be an astronaut, had every book on nasa and it’s space suits, and i even named my dog after the first dog in space… so why not? once there i stepped over the slimy olivier zahn, said hi to robert longo, pushed aside kanye west, hugged mario sorrenti, kissed bill cunningham’s forehead and grabbed some popcorn. the show was great and i had a big smile walking around. but while tom’s work is more trendy than serious and he has a bit of a frat boy humor for my taste, he does make me laugh and the show in a way made my grey week a bit more nasa red. i highly recommend all you art lovers to check it out. the show, at the park avenue armory is up till june 17th so hurry. by dd