xavier veilhan – versailles – opening

a little plus from the veilhan show at versailles, as we were at the opening, it took place in the “orangerie” where the trees are stored during winter and one of the most amazing places in the chateau, generally not open to public (plus another sneak in some closed part…). also, the “carrosse” take its full meaning at night as it seems to be a ghost from the past… nice sorry about the poor photos… by pp’

xavier veilhan – versailles

was in paris last week and happened to check this new show in versailles.  after jeff koons, french artist xavier veilhan placed his sculpture in the anachronistic decorum of the chateau. unlike koons, veilhan made a new series of works that are relevant to this particular place. really nice work, really amazing background. a must see if you happen to be around there sometime. check out the website for behind the scenes and more. by pp’

Stages: Nike party at galerie emmanuel perrotin-paris

mark parker with tom sachs

stefano pilati and olivier zahm

emmanuel perrotin and tom sachs

ex-graffiti man andre saraiva of baron (paris-tokyo-miami), ex-beatrice inn

this was one of those invites you get and miss to attend, partly due to the long commute (new york to paris), and then kick yourself for missing it! the event and its noble cause of promoting the LIVESTRONG foundation will surely fulfill its aim and it will not be missed when it comes to new york on october 2nd. lets hope we get invited again!!! if nothing its worth just going to see the work by ed ruscha, rockin’ raymond petibon, tom sachs, and richard prince. the one odd ball in here is kenny scharf? i like to know how the hell he got in there?

in all everyone from designer stefano pilati to no-idea-why andre saraiva where present not to mention nike’s mark parker and the ever-present olivier zahm, see more pictures here. all for the preview of work by: cai guo-qiang, rosson crow, jules de balincourt, dzine, shepard fairey, andreas gursky, KAWS, geoff mcfetridge, yoshitomo nara, catherine opie, jose parla, raymond petibon, lari pittman, richard prince, ed ruscha, tom sachs, kenny scharf, eric white, christopher wool, and aaron young. by dd

bobo NYC: for all the bourgeoisie bohemians

the cozy backgarden. Pimms all around!
cool master gabi and the rest of three as four
the fabulous norwegian designer elise øverland along with hope atherton, kate schelter and animee mullins
the lovely kate schelter – designer, photographer, girl about town

not only a great restaurant with a great atmosphere and great people, bobo has a conscience! the food is mostly local, supporting small farmers, and the water filtered from the tap rather than shipped worldwide in heavy bottles. most importantly, the back garden is a hidden treasure and the perfect place for a summer cocktail. by kv

Heeeeere’s Jarvis!

ok this blog is now officially about jarvis and karl. that’s it… picture taken in the penthouse suite on the night of the opening of the holiday-inn in chelsea this last november… oh yes, and the guy next to him is mr. john (harold) currin (he’s known to be an artist of sorts). by dd

Never there!

girls dancing cake never there

from left: katrine, paul and kim perform an unforgettable version of never there by cake! well done, now can we get some work done at the office! by dd