so much more to find, hold dearly to what you have.
fruits magazine. a moment in time.
death, destruction, bury your paper goods. i’ll make no mention of the images coated on them, keep those safe at all costs. by lsd
so much more to find, hold dearly to what you have.
fruits magazine. a moment in time.
death, destruction, bury your paper goods. i’ll make no mention of the images coated on them, keep those safe at all costs. by lsd
love this! by kt
if you went through young adulthood or college without reading this, then i feel very sorry for you. holden caulfield is by far one of the most fascinating characters in fictional literature… and i find him quite appealing. i would have dated him at the time that i first read it. take the weekend to get to your favorite bookstore and catch up on what you missed. by kgb
for all gastronomical minded heads, make sure to check out the latest compilation from ferran adria and his el bull restaurant. the set of seven books retails for around $600. if you have any extra bucks left, make sure to pick up the super limited edition dom perginon 2008 cookbook, bound in super rare japanese sea-green galuchat leather, if you can find it, it will cost you another $1800. by kt
me and who. by kl
our good friend thomas stearns and his guide to helping out some ol’ possums. neat. by sv
bukowski at his most raw, vulnerable, and truthful. no barfly facades, just words dedicated to jane cooney baker, his first love. a must. i always thought that burning in water, drowning in flame was my favorite but perhaps… by sv
by sv
a few of zak smith’s illustrations of the literary paradisiacal masterpiece, thomas pynchon’s gravity’s rainbow. featured at the 2004 whitney biennial and currently residing in the walker art center in minneapolis, you can see the rest here. by sv