david lynch takes us on a tour in the old print shop where he produces all of his lithographs. idem in paris is one of the latest places to print old fashioned work, and seeing the process is quite fascinating (related post on mr lynch’s artwork here). by pp.
james taylor screen test
from the quintessential two-lane blacktop. by sv
oh shelley
trying to enjoy a day out in paris in -5 °C cold weather is not exactly the ideal situation, but for some reason upon returning to my cozy hotel–this clip made me smile.
best known for three women? i actually haven’t seen all the way through. will have to if anything as a gesture of gratitude. by kl
maybe there is a beast, maybe it’s only us…
a glimpse into what would happen if we ran our own country? oh william golding and your acute perception of human nature. sucks to your ass-mar. by sv
if all else fails
anthony quinn & alan bates in awesome syrtaki scene from zorba the greek by ak
our darkness – a modern optimism
Louis W for A.P.C. presents Americana
making of the spring/summer’13 lookbook for louis wong’s new collection for A.P.C. directed by our friend asli baykal and tracy antonopoulos! song is “in the end” by cable by ak
Fredrick Callinggard: sara, maria, oscar, fredrick, julia, thommy, josephine, and anika
too cute for t-mobile but non the less cute. great track simply done well. by uh
Marcia Baïla
a 1985 tribute to argentine dancer and choreographer marcia moretto by les rita mitsouko. by ak
i prefer a nice bourbon but this made me smile a bit right down to the shakespearean title. ah, the simplicity of 1952 in america. what the hell happened? by sv
Eastern Dub: Dub Davami by Mahmood Schricker featuring Namjoo
beautifully atmospheric; dreamy choreography and sound… i’m a big rhythm & sound fan and i can see the homage paid here. however, the eastern vocals take this to a new stratosphere. if you are into minimal dub (rhythm & sound, basic channel, etc) and care to experiment with world music this is your ultimate answer, free download here. sponsored by the ontario arts council. if you are into dance also check out this previous beautiful post. by kc
nick cave’s latest: and we know who you are
watch out honey badger, the little bird sure don’t give a fuck. can’t wait for the album to come out. by ars