whether you are in love, want to be, once were, or never were…you should go see this film. if you are a mortal human being, or perhaps a demi-god gracing the rest of us with your presence, you should also go see this film. michael haneke, thank you. by sv
mr. jones is sixty six
with a video by installation artist tony oursler featuring footage from time spent in berlin, mr. david bowie returns with his first studio album in a decade. quite the occasion to mark his 66th birthday. ‘where are we now’ single out today, rest of the album, ‘the next day’ is due in march. happy happy to one of the few remaining masters. by sv
there’s no place left to go
this has been in my head for over two weeks. i would like a warm san franciscan night (i’m freezing!) in the 60’s, and whatever eric burdon is on please, and thank you. by sv
if today is the end of the world
i’d rather be this guy by ak
new york, new york
last winter i went to see ‘shame’ in the theaters, and despite the rampant nudity, glory holes, and sexual innuendos projecting off the screen—this fully clothed and melancholy rendition of the city namesake tune is what stuck in my head. i am currently mad at new york, and have been surrounding myself with city related tunes in order to mediate those feelings. not especially a huge carey mulligan fan, but this tear sodden version will be on many playlists for years to come. by sv
somrero club, jamaica – cool ska cool: PART 1
rude boy clubbin’ circa 1964. by jr
terry and chris
i have been a fan of terry gilliam since i was kid, watching monty python with my dad and being completely intrigued by the surreal animations and gags. the man has to be brilliant, to be a funny-looking art student from minnesota and get completely encapsulated and accepted by the python crew as not only their youngest but only american member. we all know gilliam’s ode to la jetee is twelve monkeys, the 90’s film exploring time travel and the dreams/visualizations of a prisoner. the film is quite predictable, but it’s worth a watch if for nothing else but madeleine stowe’s lovely face and brad pitt’s neuroses. anyway, here is terry praising the paragon director, chris marker. notwithstanding all the love in this post, my favorite part has to be his tintin sweater! by sv
epizootics! oh, scott walker
since i woke up and discovered this (albeit a little late) this morning, my brain has been doing somersaults. it is as if david lynch, john zorn and jacques brel all got together in some universal realm and created this incredibly forceful piece. the whole album, bish bosch is released on december third in the uk, and december fourth in the us. walker’s fourteenth studio album to date. by sv
cause wednesday is friday
restraint, it’s a beautiful thing
a short film featuring the lovely tiiu kuik by daemian smith and christine suarez. it’s a feast for the eyes, but like most fashion films it’s a bit of a nonsense. pretty yet random pictures spliced together on finalcut, and the gorgeous track by violinist michael galasso (wong kar-wai’s film in the mood for love) is once again belittled in yet another random clip. i can envision michael roll over in his grave each time this track is used. i am actually not dissing them at all, as i can understand the devastating temptation for anyone to try and want to recreate an ounce of that magic when maggie drifted past the camera to this track. even i contemplated it a few times but the best of me took over. just remember this:
“what makes someone truly great is not only about what they do, but what they choose not to do when it’s most tempting.”
its almost like sex (think about it) or let me put it a different way, it’s like being a publisher of a magazine and “surprisingly” picking yourself to shoot the covers (like rankin did) or putting your mug on every other page (like zahm did), how obvious, easy and lame is that? again i could have done any of that but i didn’t. i always felt that you have to earn it to own it. restraint, it’s a beautiful thing…. you know its been almost 15 years that i have wanted this specific and rather costly chess set. one day, a few years ago, my mom said “you talk about this so much Ill get it for you for your birthday.” i was crushed. she didn’t get it, i’m simply not good enough at chess to deserve that set… but i haven’t given up yet. maybe one day I’ll earn it! by uh
Charlie Don’t Surf
indeed… by xy