karl lagerfeld – the new mix

karl lagerfeld the new mix

karl’s back. was he ever gone? reintroducing his own line with this very cool short directed by barnaby roper and music by tristan bechet.

ps. what’s going on with the logo? is there something i’m not getting?  by kl

inez and vinoodh do vegas

not available in the US yet, we get a peek at french vogue’s new vegas exploration by inez and vinoodh. daria looks beautiful as always, the hair (by james pecis) is gorgeous and on-theme, but where’s the turtleneck? didn’t think she could compete with the king?


ps. do you think i can get away with singing this to someone? only avec turtleneck, naturellement. by kl

Who the hell is Damien Saez?

poster banned in france, i guess even the french didn’t get the message?

and how come i didn’t know about him? a political bad boy, but that’s like 50% of france. damien is a young, and a bit self-conscious, reincarnation of jacques brel, jim morrison, johnny depp, and mano negra all in one. room for growth. could be interesting. will have to keep an eye. by ars