the artist: by hollywood films

somebody had to do it… i personally was expecting some “artist” to do it and call the film “hollywood” but instead, “hollywood” did it and called it “the artist”… haven’t seen the silent film but who wouldn’t want to sit in some hollywood film and see the actors shut the f@#k up for once. i’m so sold… by dd

tom ford, finally, for tom ford

i still have my grudge but hell he’s a cool + talented man… this makes me like him so much more, a) my grandmother used to give me 5 baths a day so we have something in common, b) he’s an intelligent man who loves beauty, another thing we have in common ; ) by ars



super funny… thanx nikki for sharing… my best friend was black too… actually she’s still black. i get derogatory comments all the time, but unless they are untrue i usually accept them. like when someone says “damn, you have a big nose”, well its kinda true. what am i supposed to say other than “very good observation.” funny enough, we were talkin’ about “dis shit” the other day… cause we talk about a lot of shit… so while we don’t give 2 bits about being “poetically-correct”,not only a horrendous combination of words, but a term that FYI was created for a bunch of self-conscious, guilt-ridden people (i.e. politicians, germans, and southern americans) with a history of bigotry, we get the point of it all.  i mean if your conscience is clear, or if your visiting from mars (like we are) you will comfortably call a fat person fat, a tall person tall, a black person black, a blond girl blond, a lion a lion, and a cigarette a fag… well only if you’re in london. this only becomes an issue if you really have an issue with who you are… and “damn girl” don’t most earthlings have an issue. by nm