5:46 am

now that’s nice! by olivier campagne and vivien balzi. not sure what it is, but a gorgeous  unidentified flying object for sure! by pp.

the art of not blogging

oh child, spare me. everything i love about bill cunningham, is what i hate about scott schuman. they are the opposite poles in the same sector. bill is a spirit, the other pure flesh. bill is about life the other about fame. bill is about grit the other about flash. bill is about art the other about business. bill is about love… bill is humble… bill is light and the rest is darkness. in the end ,it does come to be about who you are as a person and bill is the epitome of all that i love about new york. no offense! when you become famous, you have to be able to take some shit. scott is surely loved and respected by many and i can be the one hater (not sure he can handle that). sorry i see no interest in satorialist or scott’s work nor his fame or how business smart he is. business smartness and fame mean nothing to me, if anything they tell me a bit about who you are and it’s generally not good. that brand is built on pandering to the status quo, not supporting the the fringe that feeds that status quo. when you photograph a bunch of vain editors and models after the shows you too can expect guaranteed traffic. bill just never wanted the attention or the fame or the money. i admire that tremendously. by dd