absinthe spoons at bblessing

for those who love vincent van gogh, but feel a little more now, bblessing have made these super nice absinthe spoons. in the old days, holed spoons were used to hold the sugar while pouring the absinthe in the glass to make it sweeter. it’s an all-time beauty of craftsmanship but these ones are almost good enough to frame! love it! by pp’

H.E. Boucher: live steam-engine boat replica model

talking about shackleton and all… how beautiful is this? i want this as bad as i wanted that kiki de montparnas harness. the 36″ model boat is made by h.e. boucher, inc., madison avenue, new york, circa 1920. the manufacturing label is on the stern and also on the boiler. the boat is constructed out of wood, and has a live steam engine complete with original pressure pump. it also has a screw down rudder to set the course. ships ahoy. by dd

nike packaging: great as usual!

nike hits the bulls-eye once again with their packaging produced for the beijing exhibition. the packaging system was designed using a mesh wrap of recycled cardboard to house shirts, windbreakers or a pair of shoes. being sustainable doesn’t mean being ugly. well done! by pp’

my best fred – library of molly logan

we love books! especially sources of inspiration. and it seems a newly released curation of photography books is now available for public viewing thanks to the generous photo-go-to, molly logan. as we know molly’s broad knowledge of the worlds of art and photography, and as we know her to have unique and impeccable taste, we are excited to peruse her personal library, which can be found in soho, or on the web site my best fred. by kl

help! I’ve cut myself: the apple of pharmaceuticals

“help remedies” which is offered on virgin america, and local NYC rickeys, amongst other places, is the apple computers of all pharmaceuticals. the packaging containing a variety of remedies such as headache medicine, sleep issues, etc seems bio-degradable enough. it is made of molded paper pulp and a bio plastic made primarily of corn. unfortunately it still uses the same old blister packs inside (non bio-degradable). it gets a A for design and B for total earth friendlyness. bringing its GPA to a B+ … well its still better than the D- of Beyers and the rest. support them if you can find em. by dd


mark my words… one day i will move to california, buy one, fix it up, and lick it’s wooden dash every saturday morning before driving it to nowhere fast on PCH. i just hope i’m not 90 years old by then. why? well… one, ’cause that would suck, but more importantly ’cause you can’t drive this baby if you are past 36 years old or it ‘aint that cool. by dd