what your last $20 should buy!

i don’t know what to say about the second issue of tar magazine beside the fact that my mouth was watering when i saw it in the newsstands and that 20 bucks seems pretty fair considering the crazy printing work, production effort and content featured. a must have. cover kate moss by damien hirst. by pp’

money for nothing

scott campbell is generally best known for the tattoos he is drawing on celebrities and nyc hipsters (we think about marc jacob’s sponge bob or dash snow’s “eat shit & die”). but here, beside the precision and the meticulosity of those -i guess- razor blades cutt-outs, it’s the support that is interesting. maybe it’s a way to tell us that his customers represent a stack of bills to him 😉 like it! by pp’

the race is on

slow and steady wins the race is a new clothing label, presented as a bimonthly clothing diary. the focus is on a specific and fundamental characteristic of clothing design. trends aside; this is about style – for the long haul. the same way the slow, yet consistent turtle wins the race against the cocky hare, great style wins over ever changing trends anytime. by kv

rick owen: horny

love the chairs that designer rick owen designed and realized for his studio/showroom/home in paris. the mix of minimalism and nature work just perfectly. i love the fact that a designer can bring his own universe on every kind of things he do. and on top of that if you happen to see those chairs for real, they just look so hand-made that you can imagine mr owen with his saw… by pp’