sean penn: what a creeper

top-man creepers

bottega veneta creepers

what a great photo of a young sean penn by mary ellen mark. love the creepers and the eye liner makes me want to get a pair. bottega and one by top man. i actually like the top man better and i’m sure it’s at a fraction of the price.  by dd

best twin haloween costume

gilbert and george

blues brothers, john belushi dan aykroyd

viktor & rolf

i know, i know, it’s not cool to dress up “cool” for halloween. all guys are usually zorro and all girls are dominatrixs and only the “uber cool” end up doing something totally uncool…. but if you happen to be just “medium cool” and don’t want to feel like a total goof here are my reco’s for a couple… which is basically just another night at the wooly. by dd

vincent gallo in gstar ads

i don’t own any items from gstar, but i think they did a good job picking vincent to do the ads… unlike belvedere…. he seems to fit in somehow. i believe it. i love the guy and despite his republican antics, i like him and his ego. why not? you need an ego to survive this jungle and he’s used it well. we had dinner once at the standard in LA when he was trying to sell his muscle cars and house. talked about PJ harvey drumming for him and all. lost touch with the boy since but i still listen to his music and i love it. so see folks, we are not such haters we just love to love those, who others hate. also see gstar’s jeans collaboration with vitra on the reissue of limited edition jean prouvé furniture. by dd

New York Fashion week: many fantastic men, so few gentle women! l’officiel at boom-boom room and fantastic man at cielo

the hand that rocks the cradle is mine

handsome photographer

paper vixen and vogue contributor lynn yaegeri stole terry’s glasseslovely yana k sans her usual red lips

karen collins and ucef hanjani

fab photographer hanuk mid-kiss

JLG and his ever present aton camera

joey jalleo and friend

beyonce and pod

lovely mister richard chai sans bike

and my favorite picture of the night


so it was the battle of the magazines night and looks like commercial rag l’officiel won the boom boom room over fabulous mens mag fantastic man which had its party at cielo. not that we are so keen on boom boom room but if you “have to” do something in the retched neighborhood of meat-packing district then you might as well head to the top. i was to meet a friend, and not excusing myself, but i really went there for that. he showed up at 1:30 and after a few drinks we ended up at cielo and then the standard grill at 3:30 for a late night food fest. we are still working on shedding those pounds. in any case not sure why “fantastic man”, which we quite like, would pick a place like that and in that area? but probably the idea was to keep it in the same hood and encourage some party hopping which it indeed did. the parties were fun, and i can’t complain about the music being retro this round, but it still wasn’t right either. i felt like i was in ibiza circa 2006… except i wasn’t. i have to say music is the hardest, and the best i’ve heard was about 2 years ago at the women/supreme management party when chris gay was there. i even got the dj’s name afterwards, i was trying to track down every other song they played. cielo was packed to the gills and unless you were into that “karate class smell” the crowd and the sweat was a bit challenging. after all best to stay home or stick to wooly. all photos by our lovely friend: hanuk.  by dd