Prada logo treatment: follow me to hell

nop! this package and its logo placement was not the result of some chinese quality control
the double logo and the label appears to be an afterthought. really?

so what does a luxury brand like prada do when everyone’s trying to be lux? seeing the latest logo treatments at the parda store made me wonder for a bit… i saw a random half cut logo on the cap of some cosmetic pack, the fragrance box with the double logo on the box, one covering the other… like someone saying their name twice upon introduction. the first name quietly and muffled and the second, bold and pronounced. this of course is a major no no in design, but with fashion in general anything goes, all bets are off. they even make wallpaper patterns out of their logos (i bet that made the marketing directors excited), i cant help but equate such behavior with one of those tacky celeb PR shots infront of some logo plastered wall for some vodka of the day, after all that’s the real purpose, so lets not be shy. but this is not always the case with madam prada. not only the double logo is there for no good reason, they took great pains to design it as thought it was haphazardly placed over the second, or even better, just casually running off the cap. like one of those “i just woke-up” haircuts that took hours to do. but to their credit what else could prada do? whatever prada does is knocked off within weeks, i mean every monkey now has a perfume with one of those ‘squeezable testicles’ that prada reintroduced… maybe this is the latest way to separate yourself and say… ok you wanna follow/copy me? go right ahead… i’m jumping out the window. by dd

man is back: freemans sporting club NYC

from the boys that brought us freeman’s alley and that little tribeca joint, comes: freemans sporting club (rivington between bowery & christie) was borne out of a gathering of close friends playing pool, carousing, and drinking whisky above freemans restaurant in new york city. the regular meetings led the group to organize trips to camp, shoot, fish, and enjoy time in nature outside the concrete canyons of new york.” o.k. i know it all sounds a bit pretentious, to act like you live in a cabin in the woods, with deer heads on your wall, when you actually live in new york f#@kin’ city but what the hell, i guess a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. lets all go fish, or at least dress up like it… cause the stuff looks damn good. by dd

Lid Magazine Number 10-SS 2010: more of a book worth coming back to

spring summer issue of lid #10
the amazing diane lane (see our other post)
bob fantastic train ride
halstone at his olympic tower atelier, nyc 1979 by dustin pittman
poet, roach killer, artist extraordinaire: mr. jim carroll

i came across this gen of a magazine the other day and i have to say it made me think about all the crappy self service issues i’ve bought. $50 for 500 pages of disposable snaps disguised in a hard cover, foil stamped, shrink wrapped gift pack, just to make you feel “you’re sooo worth it”. at least olivier zahm goes the extra mile to provide some kitty porn to compensate for the poetry hes lost. on the other hand the fellows at lid didn’t make much of a fuss. soft cover, solid black and white printing for a fraction of the cost and a mag you’d want to keep and use. the issue simply made me happy and coming back to it over and over again. well done! by dd

martin margiela (untitled)

sometimes not a fan of everything mister fabien baron is coming up with, i was highly disappointed when discovered the bottle for the first martin margiela’s fragrance “untitled”. margiela is definitely the brand i used to consider as the most interesting identity wise so when i saw this ugly green bottle with the stupid white plastic thing around i was chocked… that was until i saw the trailer above that i understood the white thing is paint and it make more sense (still not sure about the color of the juice, the baron choice, dieseland so on but that’s another story)…
by pp’

the birth of the cool

for those who are not bored of style blogs or anything that talk about it yet, the man behind the impossible cool launches a conversation on cool which could be seen as a wider version of the previous one. the aesthetic of those two blogs are cool (of course) and today’s post is on mister saint laurent and is illustrated by the great ivan terestchenko abstract portrait of the master. looks good by pp’

self service : stephanie savage

this must be the best cover quote of the century: “no one wants to die and discover that all you have to pass on to the next generation is your facebook pages.” – stephanie savage, page 249 by dd

robert longo for brooklyn surfer

“I developed the Brooklyn Surfer logo from a memory I had of being at the beach near Rockaway in Brooklyn. It was late in the day, the sun was bright, hanging low in the sky. As I looked west, down the shoreline into the setting sun, I saw in the distance the sharp silhouettes of surfers holding their boards checking out the surf. This image was burned into my brain. Rockaway is Brooklyn. Brooklyn may sound like an unlikely location for a surf spot, but in reality it is a real location with a decent break and at times some serious swells. It is a unique surfing experience. An extraordinary collision of urban and surf cultures. Not far form the beaches are the basketball black tops of city legends and the subway stations where many of the surfers arrive coming off the trains with their boards heading for the beach and the breaks.” i personally always thought that new york and surfing were kind of an absurd duo but whatever dude. by dd


pop’africana is an independent magazine based in new york, led by a team of creatives who pride themselves on delivering a rejuvenated image of africa. the first issue is due in out in april 2010 (almost there), but for now you can enjoy the editor oroma elewa’s blog. by kv

Shoof: the shoes natural progression into hoof

a-f-vandevorst archives
art: iris schieferstein

i was rather disappointed that women’s shoes did not make their natural transformation into actual hoofs in this last season. there may be still some hope. we have been told that jesus has delayed his arrival for the time being. by dd

Lay off of terry

the big three, angelica huston (what an amazing women), terry and bob in more innocent pastures… for what ever its said about terry (in paris), his work in my opinion is way beyond nudity. i mean there are millions of nudy photogs and you cant bundle terry into that. this trash talk is like writing off Araki as just a nudy photographer and not being able to see past our puritan and rather hypocritical ways, just to get some attention… and that would be rather shallow wouldn’t it. o.k. you can all comment now! by dd