a very handsome and rare short-hair shot, strolling in the east village many moons ago. it may be time for a type o negative marathon. he is surely missed. by sv
cat power – manhattan
who loves the sun? not everyone…
car audio
Beauty and the beast: JiHae vs. Dave Stewart of Eurythmics
Brother from another mother
magic transistor
so fed up with the spotify and all. check out magic transistor by pp.
baby can’t be blessed…
bowie the samurai
david bowie with his samurai sword, can a man get any cooler? i think not. has everyone seen the london v&a show except me by now? i’m very envious. by xy
STA: Friday I’m in Love
friday i’m in love. not exactly ‘real’ album covers, but quite good indeed. from surface to air with love. featuring steve mcqueen, sergio amorim, skydive yannick do, breakbot. by dd