murderous lips: dansk læber

kl i’m warning you here not to be inspired by this at your lame job… i was criticized the other day by pp and kl for posting nonsense… now here is some “beautiful” nonsense that i’ve been hanging on to for the right post… “with some sense” that is… but it just ain’t coming. now tell me this isn’t amazing? by danish photographer rasmus mogensen. by dd

Dirty Faces by JKB Fletcher

british hyper-realist artist jkb fletcher, has done some very minter works which isn’t so cool because she’s so specific,,, and earned her spot after many yeas. but here he paints sensual superhero-themed woman, nice. he says, “my paintings address questions of whether photorealism is anything more than a photograph with oil based paint. using ‘reality’ and sensuality to provoke thoughts and sensations of physicality and beauty.” which sounds a little like art magazine jabber, but the paintings are gorgeous non-the-less.  by kl

Annie Morton: heads and tails

model annie morton photographed by juergen teller bit over plucked on the eyebrows but fabulous otherwise. if i’m not completely off here, i think this is part of the series that juergen took when he was married to / or with the incredible stylist venetia scott and thanks to her encouragement he photographed his castings just straight on. i have the book somewhere buried under others and its too late to double check so don’t quote me on that. by dd