swedish/american photographer jasper haynes show “st marks 1986-2006” is coming back home to NYC after its stint in tokyo and stockholm. “20 years of love and friendship” is on exhibit this thursday between 6-9 at 128 rivington between norfolk and essex. if you are in town do stop by for a peek. by dd
naughty stuff
fags rule tatoo
dov charney: american apparel ads inner workings
o.k. this one above is really hilarious! i mean, what the hell is this?
we’re not exactly the vatican or the women’s front over here, and we have no problem with nudity or political incorrectness, but there is something called taste. unfortunately, you cant buy it in LA. i saw this and had to laugh. i must say dov charney has really set a new standard on how low a company will go to sell you environmentally friendly, american made, t-shirts. he makes olivier zahm look like a gentleman. the one nice thing about dov is that not only he poorly rips off terry richardson, both in appearance and exquisite know-how on the inner working of the art of photography, he proudly panders his co-workers into modeling for him. i wonder when will sexual misconduct knock on his door? maybe after the woody allen law suit finally settles over. at least terry to me, is honest and himself, a true artist you can love or hate but this… is pure bullshit… and there is a world of difference. by xy
helmut newtons polaroids
saskia de barauw
some more helmut’s in the pipes
we will never have enough of helmut’s! well, that’s great because taschen seams to be soon releasing a book of his polaroids, not the ones that are already in an other book, those ones were the test shots, with comments written on it. it is said that helmut’s wife june was never giving them away and was trading shots to everyone, even people on set wanting a “souvenir”. i read somewhere else that they used to give them away to some of their guests writing their names on them for diners table seating… anyway, a book is in the pipe. by pp.
Saskia de Brauw: BY matthew brookes
saskia de brauw is all dressed up and apparently has somewhere to go. love that little pursey. photo matthew brookes! by xy
ok this is funny! TOO!
supersexy superfine: brandless jeans that fit
lucy pinter and flora evans are the london girls behind superfine
it’s hard to miss when you make super fit jeans, sans branding with hidden details, and put em on irina, doutzen and missy… the problems begin when everyone and their mother wants to rock & roll, but are just not ready to starve for it. while the duo behind superfine jeans have been at this since 2003 one can only wonder how much longer will the skinny last… i’m already onward into my pijamas… superfine jeans of london get em while you can. by dd