nice stuff from brigitte niedermair I’m a fan. by dd
naughty stuff
lena modigh: where do you go to my lovely
white roses and things by paola kudacki
Angela lindvall the best dressed environmentalist
she was always a favorite of mine, despite her missouri upbringing… from the early days she appeared as the young girl in the parada campaigns to her current state. now of course she is a full fledged environmentalist and nothing suits her better than her natural skin. by dd
angela lindvall in now “vintage” Jimmy Choos
I actually never wanted a car…
1970’s lui: le magazine for ze modern man
What im really into these days
few of my favorite things
say hello to “MY” little friends: totoro
holly shit…. i see something and its not just totoro… the jimmyjane vibrators look very much like totoro… is this as bad as making cigarette ads with cartoon characters? if you are japanese and have daughters be afraid… be veeeery afraid! by xy