spoiled child: always at the the right place, at the right time… again

“pop fashion rebel” jeremy scott showed up for his “spoiled child” launch in NYC

good music…


good drinks…

good skin…

good fun…

all for the future of wellness… at spoiled child where you can find everything…

from $45 hair masks, to $89 drinks, to $58 skincare, to $350 hoodies. there is even an $89 yoga mat for your consideration.

jeremy was to fashion what sex pistols were to music, or warhol to heavy art. he was one of the first to mash up adidas with designer fashion. made bad, look good (we wont forgive you for that j). made moschino well more moschino…. of course today all that seems par for the course… but somebody had to wear that safety pin first. seems like a long way to go to get here with wellness and all – but i suppose the whole kidrobot, BBC, glossed up jeff koons spaceman makes total sense for a face-cream, if its from the prince of pop. right? kiss! kiss! bang! bang! photo credit: matt weinberger. by kgb

Japan’s Hidden Listening Bars are coming to New York

a dive into japan’s hidden listening bars

JBL D4400o paragon speakers circa 1957

sponsored by resident advisor

shelter bar an audiophile venue on the quiet outskirts of tokyo japan – all blues bar new york city

resident advisor exploring japan’s rich culture of listening bars and audiophile venues. it’s a culture rooted in the joy of discovering music, and listening to that music in the best possible environment—that means precision-made speakers, amps, turntables and mixers. tucked away in basements, back-alleys and high-rise buildings, these bars come in different shapes and sizes, but they are united by their pursuit of quality, with owners endlessly fine-tuning their audio setups to create an enriching experience for anyone who visits. these are wonderful settings for people to share their love of music, serving as a “third place”—somewhere to unwind in between their time at work and home. though they’re the result of long-standing traditions, listening bars offer a glimpse into progressive japan, one of the world’s most vibrant places for music discovery. by dd


blue in green : its a vintage japanese and american denim lovers paradise!

in soho on green street

if you visist new york you should pop by here… blue in green, a renowned japanese and american selvedge denim store in soho, is founded by yuji fukushima

the almost 18-year-old shop began selling hard-to-find japanese selvedge denim from its storefront in soho in 2006.

thanks to denim diehards from new york city and beyond, blue in green has become a premier resource for japanese and american denim.

when you stop in be sure to check out the ojas and mcintosh sound system

the coffee is not half bad either…

just some of the brands you can find at blue in green if they have it in stock and in your size. keep in mind these are not mass produced items: resolute, rototo, samurai jeans,, sassfras, porter tokyo, orslow, kapital, engineered garments, full count, destin, les tien,beams japan, all caps studio, and many more… by pp

its a plane? no, its a plate? no it’s purple magazine…

you! yes you! purple magazine launch party at silencio club – 303 west 57th street

olivier zahn and stylist masha orlov

the incredible waris ahluwalia and friend

boni reiffers and friend

tyler mazaheri and alexander droth

a little older, a lot less sexier, but definitely still happening – purple magazine launch party for issue number 41 “the essence of fashion” during new york fashion week. by ac

forget vetements, make room for wardements!!

“take pleasure seriously…” prankster and hair stylist ward stegerhoek.

this is the man behind wardements. a brand composed of tongue-in-cheek streetwear approved by the fashion elite, from inez and vinoodh to vogue to gigi hadid to model alessandra ambrosio, toni garrn, and daphne groeneveld… wards view on taking the piss out of vetements is nothing short of total punk attitude. less self serious than vetements, his absurdity has resonated with the times like fire to a hair sprayed wig. shop wardements here at blendstories… sorry most have sold out already.

 mister ward stegerhoek above left-just behind raquel zimmermann on the cover of vogue italia.

wardements lookbook designed in the form of a deck of cards. collect all looks! brilliant design by ceft and company new york.

gigi in wardements “orange babies” hoodie. now this must mean so much to you!

wardements NOT juicy!

wards mugshot adorns many of the garments and here on one of the cards – sending you some love and kisses.

model daphne groeneveld sporting a wardements uber sized hoodie. much room to eat.

model georgia fowler in wardements… the line is now available at the V Magazines pop-up shop on mercer street new york or you can buy them online at the v-magazine e-shop here.

model romee strijd in wardements.

photographers inez van lamsweerde and vinoodh matadin.

model katya riabinkina in wardement RUDE XL hoodie.

show em who’s your daddy… follow wardements on instagram and get a couple of pieces before the first season all sells out. by xy

she’s back





cara-delevingne-puma-ambassador-7    cara-delevingne-puma-ambassador-8

she’s back and she’s the newly appointed ambassador for puma… i was never a huge fan but i guess this works, for a photoshoot outside of katz’s deli of a girl walking a dog. not too sure what this has to do with puma and their new ‘do you’ campaign, maybe i’m missing something, or maybe it’s ‘fashion’. by lb

walk the line: a good place to go to


i was online looking for a magnifying glass, when i stumbled upon this lovely object in this lovely store. the line nyc (see link in the shop section of our blog).


“swedish metal-smith skultuna places a convex lens in a luminous ring of polished brass that eliminates the need for a handle.” more importantly, this is just a beautiful object to look at… i just wish it was a 50% bigger and twice as heavy. but it may be just right for you. $135 at the line nyc.


“it was designed by olivia herms, a veteran of stockholm-based claesson koivisto rune who is now working in the munich studio of designer konstantin grcic.”


another beautifully selected object was this all natural hand made horse hair and oil-treated beechwood brush. it is fitted with bristles of horse hair hand tied by wires on the other side of the brush. “designed in the tradition of swedish craftsmanship by iris hantverk whom has more than a century of brush making experience.” just $29 at the line nyc.


and the dust pan to go with it… “black metal form, with its ruffled edges, has a short, looped handle for easy hanging.” just $15 at the line nyc.


good vintage: this beautiful vintage hermes world clock is just one of the few random items they have lying around the apartment at the line. i inquired about this but unfortunately it was already sold out. now i really want it.


vintage hermes world clock: $1,900 at the line.


so go and check it out… fashioned after ‘the apartment’, except done much much better, their new york store is located on green street in soho. don’t look for “a store” as this one is located upstairs in the 2nd floor, don’t mind the silly sign that reads “by appointment only” listen, we’ve all made mistakes. upstairs you will find a nice quaint apt where you can rummage through an imaginary persons closet and try things on, except everything will be available in your size. this is a concept store above your average retail store… after all who can afford retail spaces in new york these days other than the gap, h&m, and footlocker? damn this capitalist society. we are, i suppose, champagne communists you may say, but au contraire, we just hate buying shit you have to throw away tomorrow. horse hair english mattress, fine bone china, and apc jeans (because you’ll never have to throw those jeans away… apc will buy back your torn ones). in any case we love this store and wish there would be many more like this in our beloved new york city which has been depleted of energy and interest by the real estate elite. go bernie, go the line. and so be it if we don’t fit your image of cliches. see link in the shop section for the line nyc. by uh

most amazing country house upstate new york by wojr architects


“your country cottage has just landed”


its all about glass, glass, glass


darth vader will be welcomed


this house was clearly made to sit in the snow, just remember that flat roofs often leak


renders? the glass is suspiciously one “piece-ed”



two homes, created for two brothers


that bike comes in handy in this snow


nice but a bit too obvious and trendy… the usual suspect prouvé lamp and chairs : (


a litte paragraph from the horses mouth: “the agricultural development of the land between the two houses separates them visually (to varying degrees depending on season) while linking them inextricably, both infrastructurally and communally.” you gotta love architects. i can’t understand a word in the last part of that sentence!

that said architecture studio WOJR designed ‘twins’, a site located in upstate new york that consists of two geometric buildings facing each other. created for two brothers, the two houses feature different shapes, a hexagon and a four-sided polygon, yet both are built from the same five structural components. additionally, the homes are linked to each other through an underground piping system for water supply and the like. beautiful and enviable all the same. love it. by dd

190 bowery

190 bowery 3

190 bowery 4

there’s this devilish sense of the grime that’s completely unfiltered about 190 bowery. a staple to the lower east side, it’s one of the last reminiscences i get from the jean basquiat heroin infused days of new york.

having just sold for 55 million (originally bought for 100k in the 60’s) – whole foods clones across the street are, i’m sure, thrilled. by sp

nobu white plains: ex-nobu chef opens sushi nanase


white plains is not exactly on the list of places to go but this is worth the trip. no walk-ins, make a reservation, “please don’t mix the wasabi in the soy sauce”, ask questions. show your interest. you will find that the takedas open up in their quiet, reverent way. by av

henri matisse the cut outs

henri matisse’s show at moma new york opened on october 12th and will be up till feb 8th. the cut outs which we all know so well take on a different life when seen up close. i saw the show in a fly by visits, but going to see it again this weekend. highly recommended. more info here. also check out the robert gober piece’s which is why we went there initially… by uh