inside jim jarmusch’s new collab with the skateroom

the collaboration includes an unreleased series of the filmmaker’s photographs printed on skate decks

as well as an exclusive short film of miami skateboarder beatrice domond shot by jarmusch himself

a short film by jim jarmusch, starring beatrice domond

jim jarmusch, the acclaimed filmmaker and visual artist, is a self-proclaimed night owl. his best ideas and most creative revelations come to him after dark which, in a remarkable way, really translates into the atmosphere of his projects. one such project was the rare photography series taken by him in the 1980s. jarmusch repeatedly captured the screen of an analogue television while watching a vast repertoire of black-and-white films. the result was a selection of intuitively taken snapshots, hidden in the archives until now. four decades later, the skateroom is proud to feature those captivating works in our first skate art collection with the iconic filmmaker. a nod to jarmusch’s collage-making practice, the photographs have been featured on skate decks in seemingly random sets of threes. whether their placement seems contrasting or connected is up to the eye of the viewer. the artist himself refers to the process as more dreamlike than logical, with the dark background of each board adding to the mysterious effect. as with all collections from the skateroom, this collaboration will contribute to the funding of skatepark construction and educational initiatives for underprivileged youth worldwide. purchasing an edition is not only a chance to own a unique artwork from jim jarmusch, but also an opportunity to make a tangible impact, one skate deck at a time. by nwa

100 times: some simple words from kozan ichigyo by rev. dōjin haas


i am of the nature to grow old.

there is no way to escape growing old.

i am of the nature to have ill health.

there is no way to escape ill health.


i am of the nature to die.

there is no way to escape death.


all that is dear to me and everyone i love are of the nature to change.

there is no way to escape being separated from them.


empty handed i entered the world
barefoot i leave it.
my coming, my going –
two simple happenings
that got entangled.


(– kozan ichigyo, 14th century zen monk)

say these in a chant… repeat a 100 times each day. by bh

did you ever wondered what paper the studious boys used to light up a spliff?


photo credit roger mayne post war street photography

here’s how to roll a joint : now we don’t smoke no more “cuz we wizzzed-up and shit”, but… if we were to light up a joint one one day, we’d be sure to grab our composition notebook to roll that spliff. noy suggesting smoking vus smoking kills – and yah a joint here, a joint there is cool, but just know that no matter how bad ass you are now, it’ll creep up on you. hear that from the mother-load of bad asses. by cc

on the topic of jeans: how levi’s slept while every other brand ate their lunch and how they are trying to break back in

the marker loose jean by levis – blue tab

could it be? nice low pockets on the tail – looks like a proper fit finally!

this is what happens when the marketing team at your company is fast asleep and clueless to the pulse on the street. every time i drop $300 on a pair of APCs, or worse $200 on a pair of levi’s E by END 568 i curse old levi’s for dropping the ball on the game. all this talk of japanese denim is really old original american denim before levi’s opted for shit mills to make that thin garbage denim. how was it that in the UK levi’s engineered jeans could produce awesome cuts and style and the US just cruised through mediocrity? how is it that a collab item with levi’s is a better denim than levi’s itself? like undercover knows more about denim than fuckin levis!!!

high snobiety, as usual hyping up whomever advertises with them, had this to say “
it’s no secret that levi’s knows denim. after all, you don’t get a beyoncé co-sign by being average. but levi’s blue tab collection extends beyond your classic pair of blue jeans. levi’s is entering a new era with blue tab, a new collection that transforms the brand’s specialty — denim basics — into dressed-up statement pieces (canadian tuxedo). if levi’s orange tab line is for a younger, more experimental crowd, blue tab is its sophisticated, older sibling. but it’s not just the sophisticated silhouettes that set this collection apart — it’s the textiles, too. levi’s blue tab experiments with selvage denim adding another degree of elegance to the collection.”

now i don’t know about “stylish” and “tuxedo” its a pair of fucking jeans. its just not cut to fit dorks anymore. also who gives a shit about a “beyoncé co-sign” – i mean that’s one sure way to show u are completely out of touch with cool. finally the quality and fit are still to be judged. its not like they cant do it, because they invented it… the question is do they really want to do it right or do they still wanna hit every marketing marker? i’m hopeful and looking forward to seeing the blue tab levi’s out and checking out its “actual value”. by nwa


norwegian crafted / waterproof vibram sole / these kastel winter boots are finally available in the US


the aptly named water proof chelsea boot (sola 2.0)… if you plan on going swimming in the new york sewers this is the boot you’ll need…

you know, some smart shit comes out of norway here and there… there was the incredible magnus carlsen



we’ll assign the brown water resistant kastel x vibram lyngen slip-fit boot to

the “tall wolf” or otherwise “finish the job” erling haaland from the norwegian national team and later premier league manchester city



we’ll assign the coal black version with vibram sole technology to

and finally the gorgeous SIRI, the one your iphone was named after (google it), yes SIGRID siri tollerod the fashion queen…

whom we’ll assign the white water resistant kastel lyngen slip-fit boot to.

happy hunting for that right boot this winter, which you can call your own. what we love about these guys is that they say “sustainability is complex. just like saying 30% less sugar isn’t sugar-free, we don’t just claim to be sustainable.our approach involves bold experiments in materials, design… viable ideas become pilot products, and successful pilots set new standards of innovation…” sustainability is not just a phrase but rather “forever ongoing”… cheers to that… by ts



Clarks Originals x Engineered Garments Desert Khan

clarks and engineered garments join forces to reimagine the former’s signature desert khan shoes with a fresh view

loved clarks form the early rave days good to see then continuing on with out losing their soul

vibram sole if effect

suede uppers x crepe vibram rubber outsole

always good. around $200USD. by dd

spoil ’em rotten: plush toys by loro piana

loro piana toy husky made of mink and fox fur $3,500

loro piana toy beagle puppy, crafted from their cashmere fabric $1,625

loro piana toy bunny made of the softest orylag and castorino fur

bit crazy to kill a live animal and then make a plush toy in its image, but what the hell, humans have done worse things… like separating baby humans from their mothers and then denying that they did it… so if you can get over the guilt, as we seem to do on everything, then these plush toys are quite a special thing. loro piana : “since 1924 this italian label has been synonymous with craftsmanship. In the words of its founders sergio and pier luigi loro piana, the brand “has built its reputation over decades of searching for the best raw materials and on the refusal to compromise on quality in all aspects”. by cm




from conway electric, this white extension cord featuring a flexible cotton-covered wire cord connected to a die-cast aluminum stainless steel housing. the exto2 12ft in white is sold for $65.




i think i like this only for the odd shape.. a chef quality cutting board in maple, featuring a circular handle, smooth beveled edges and a minimal engraved branding. the amoeba cutting board comes in 2 different sizes and can be purchased for $145.




i bought this a few months ago, and let me tell you… i get at least one compliment a day. areaware produced 4 different shaped brass key rings with a minimal screw clasp. designed by karl zahn, if you have tiny wrists like mine, you can slip it on or clip it to a belt. this contour key ring can be purchased for $16.



simple and rustic bottle opener from areaware, designed by brendan ravenhill. this is not just a regular bottle opener.. this one features 2 magnets, 1 allowing the bottle opener to be kept on the fridge and one to catch a bottle cap!! this opener can be purchased for $14.




from hasami porcelain, an unglazed porcelain bottle with a cork stopper in natural. not sure what the point of this is, but it looks pretty and i wouldn’t mind pouring my wine out of this rather than an ordinary bottle. you can purchase this for $36.

these are a few of my favorite things… all of which can be purchased on they have a lot of amazing things and would recommend all to check it out – if not for yourself then as a special gift for someone special. by lb



a perfect expression of minimalism, symmetry and tidiness. i love these twin cubic cable holders by kebei li. they feel like a distant second cousin of felix gonzalez-torres’s “perfect lovers”… except you can have your own. check out more of kebei’s work @kebeiiiiiiiiiiii by kl

walk the line: a good place to go to


i was online looking for a magnifying glass, when i stumbled upon this lovely object in this lovely store. the line nyc (see link in the shop section of our blog).


“swedish metal-smith skultuna places a convex lens in a luminous ring of polished brass that eliminates the need for a handle.” more importantly, this is just a beautiful object to look at… i just wish it was a 50% bigger and twice as heavy. but it may be just right for you. $135 at the line nyc.


“it was designed by olivia herms, a veteran of stockholm-based claesson koivisto rune who is now working in the munich studio of designer konstantin grcic.”


another beautifully selected object was this all natural hand made horse hair and oil-treated beechwood brush. it is fitted with bristles of horse hair hand tied by wires on the other side of the brush. “designed in the tradition of swedish craftsmanship by iris hantverk whom has more than a century of brush making experience.” just $29 at the line nyc.


and the dust pan to go with it… “black metal form, with its ruffled edges, has a short, looped handle for easy hanging.” just $15 at the line nyc.


good vintage: this beautiful vintage hermes world clock is just one of the few random items they have lying around the apartment at the line. i inquired about this but unfortunately it was already sold out. now i really want it.


vintage hermes world clock: $1,900 at the line.


so go and check it out… fashioned after ‘the apartment’, except done much much better, their new york store is located on green street in soho. don’t look for “a store” as this one is located upstairs in the 2nd floor, don’t mind the silly sign that reads “by appointment only” listen, we’ve all made mistakes. upstairs you will find a nice quaint apt where you can rummage through an imaginary persons closet and try things on, except everything will be available in your size. this is a concept store above your average retail store… after all who can afford retail spaces in new york these days other than the gap, h&m, and footlocker? damn this capitalist society. we are, i suppose, champagne communists you may say, but au contraire, we just hate buying shit you have to throw away tomorrow. horse hair english mattress, fine bone china, and apc jeans (because you’ll never have to throw those jeans away… apc will buy back your torn ones). in any case we love this store and wish there would be many more like this in our beloved new york city which has been depleted of energy and interest by the real estate elite. go bernie, go the line. and so be it if we don’t fit your image of cliches. see link in the shop section for the line nyc. by uh

kodaks vintage, classic, retro, super-8 camera: we must’ve done something right that we ‘aint doing no more


nice styling from the modern japanese bellami-HD1 camera with a modern chinon lens – but a total throw-away as a digital camera disguised in “super model” 8mm camera… lame!


real-real… kodak’s latest backtrack on corp stupid decision making – super 8 film and a modernized super 8 camera are back, a pleasant surprise.


camera designed by our friend yves behar at fuse project for kodak


nice stealth detailing on the side


sporting a real super-8 cartridge


and now for some of the old giants… above the dieter rams designed braun super-8 camera for vitsœ


the french beaulieu 4008 super-8, standard issue for all you nouvelle vague enthusiasts


my personal camera which i have owned and cherished for many years, the notorious canon XL-1014 super 8


and my best friends camera which i often use as a b-roll the nikon R-10 with nikkor lens sister to the R-8 (below)


and finally below one of the many renditions of the infamous pistol-grip from the berrics skate mafia


ok so we owe this yet-to-be-issued kodak camera a blind review. note that we have not tested the camera as its still in production and we will post another once we get our hands on one. but top-line we are uber excited to see this amazing tool make a come back, and more importantly to see kodak supporting, and hopefully supplying, the super-8 cartridge films on a regularly available basis.

the good: its a super 8. it takes real film, and hopefully the film will not cost you your entire weekly allowance. its new and using the latest technology. keeping what worked and adding what wasn’t available. like a proper rechargeable battery that will last you the entire shoot. the design is simple and clean. we especially love the kodak revised minimal logo on the side. kodak can now process, scan, and deliver your film in one shot. love the yellow and off-white colors reminiscent of dieter rams iconic choice with braun, bringing back some of that 70’s nostalgia. usb plugs in the back. simple usability making it easy for newbie millennials… don’t forget, like em or hate em, we need those ding dongs if we are to bring some cost efficiency to the film cartridges.

the bad: it looks like a toy. the camera in its design is a reference to more of the 70’s or late 60’s units rather than the early 60’s which we personally prefer. 70’s was the era of plastics but also the era of textures which this camera has chosen to dodge at least. but the casing does not appear to be metal (again this is not factual)… if plastic, knowing mister behar, it is the finest plastic available.

the ugly: wholly shit, where is my pistol grip? how can we shoot super 8 without the pistol grip, so beloved by film fans. we even rigged one on our old hi 8 camera at some point. that said, unlike the old narrow cameras of the 60’s, this little cute baby can be held like a basket-ball for those long smooth hand-held shots, like the ones in “i am cuba” directed by mikhail kalatozov and his genius DP sergey urusevskiy.

in the end we cant wait to get our hands on one and put it to the test. thank you kodak for bringing this art back and mister behar for making it famous. by dd