for the record this piece is not created by karl but rather, ted noten. the chanel001 is a gun loaded with accoutrements, including chanel lip gloss, an antique hairpin, a 18k gold toothpick, a perfume bottle with an 18k gold mechanism, a 50-gram 24kt gold bar, a USB stick, and a viagra pill. in short, all the stuff a girl wouldn’t leave home without. chanel 001 will be on view at design miami/basel, which kicks off next week, through the ornamentum gallery (hall 5, booth g23), from june 15–19. ** the TSA approved comment was a joke. dont even think about traveling with this. by ar
perfect gift
what to drink: ohmine junmai ginjo sake
LIMITED EDITION portcelain sculpture BY parra/TOYKYO: take a rest
it’s an edition of 70 sculptures in 3 color-ways, 25-red,25-blue & 20-black.
the piece stands/sits 15cm. by 20cm. and comes in a screen printed,
and numbered box. get them before they go. available only at toykyo. by dd
P.A.P Accessories of sweden
nice accessories from P.A.P of sweden, ipad case, iphone case with a bit of detail and sans the flash. by jr+dd
Arquivo Brasilia
lina kim and michael wesely went through the 10,000 images documenting the construction of brasilia, this weird architectural project that came out of nowhere in only a 4 years time. from an era that hold dreamers and believers to us, everything is compiled in a book, 1,400 photos, step by step. some kind of must have here. by pp.
book hunting
on a hunt for the british version of the book (not the elephant). those brits know how to do things, man. putting mister saville behind the design seems smart, what is beyond dumbness is why the us version has such a shitty cover? at least ivan’s pics didn’t change. by pp.
papa foxtrot – wood toys
not sure what it is and if you can really buy it but from what i understand, some guys are making anal wood toys. for stylish kids only. don’t get surprised if he becomes an engineer. by pp.
de vera – anita calero
anita calero’s still life photographies illustrate two books for the exquisite two-level cabinet of curiosities on Crosby Street “de vera objects” and “de vera jewelry”. nice! great article here by pp.
the ball ring
Margiela: you just don’t get cooler than thy
Cire Trudon wafting into town
cire trudon is the worlds oldest candle maker, and is the newest addition of french scent indulgences in new york’s nolita neighborhood. 54 bond street, downstairs, to be exact. with 367 years of heritage, being the candle producer for royalty, and having developed the perfect wax for cleanly sharing their fragrances this may call for a showdown with previously reigning french scent stars at le labo. by kl
a handsome ideology
something as simple as the perfect little stool can speak of a collage of perspectives (if you want to contradict yourself), but in the spirit of getting back to basics i’ll just say that quality handmade craftsmanship of natural materials, that can last a lifetime is better for you, and me, and them, and mother earth, and your image ;). i can imagine this multi-purpose cuttie aging well. you can pick him up at another country. by kl