well, i don’t know where to get that but that must be awesome. by pp.
perfect gift
Diamond Jubilee Marmite: well that would be ma’amite
its fun to see marmites iconic package in a different light, this will last me another 4 days. thanx kc. by dd
chanel does it better
enjoy the celestial
for you hipster romantics, pretty planets made of chocolate, by by chocolatier l’éclat. this might be the only non-lame format to literally give someone the world. by kl
Maison Martin Margiela monocles: pretty far sighted for margiela
francois berthoud – studio
german publishing house hatje cantz had the great insight to publish a monograph on mythic illustrator francois berthoud, the book is beautiful and seeing the making of this artwork is really inspiring and quite intriguing. a must have i would say. by pp.
inez & vinoodh – pretty much everything
i heard about this book for almost 5 years now and was starting to think it was an urban legend…. well now it’s there, it’s at taschen and it looks good. a bit late for x-mas though. by pp.
gainsbourg nostalgia
for all of you serge suckers, liberation is re-releasing the special issue they printed after he died which features the famous interview of him where he was asked to answer as if he was already dead… witty. here by pp.
how to resurface your old stiga + yasaka ping pong paddles
after purchasing our beautifully designed ping pong table, i had to dig up my childhood stiga paddle. a collectors (now i am told) kjell johansson stiga/yasaka rubber defensive wood made in sweden (where all the best paddles, even japanese brands, are made). the original yasaka rubber was discolored and cracking, so i had to purchase the 2 pieces of yasaka rubber (each approximately $48) and got to work. my paddle had two red sides and i was told there has been a rule passed since my time that requires ‘real players’ to have paddles with different color sides to avoid the cheating technique of lowering your paddle below the table and switching sides so the opponent wont be able to tell what surface you are using on your serve. they call it the ‘big boy rule’… i guess i learned something today. my newly restored paddle will have a black and red side. i removed the old rubber using some acetone combined with some heavy lifting. i then had to sand the paddle wood with 400 sandpaper to recreate a smooth and even surface. there are fancy glues sold out there, but i was told they are simply rubber cement packaged and marked up, and can be purchased for a fraction at any hardware store. i will post the restored image when done… by uh
a little beauty – by Georgia Varidakis
i thought i’d share these delicate yet raw pieces i finally got yesterday from georgia varidakis, who designs and makes custom pieces out of her boutique in williamsburg, brooklyn. it’s very difficult to find jewelry that is feminine but not prissy, so i was very happy to discover her talent at creating my balance. by kl