red shoes

elvis says that the angels wanna wear them, and bowie says to put them on and dance the blues.  either way, this little one seems to be having a time. by sv

Pictures of the American Southwest: by Dan Martensen

the recent launch of dan martensen‘s monograph, pictures of the american southwest at milk gallery, which is available online here, was the perfect reminder to all of us real or assimilating new yorkers the importance to take a deep breath and appreciate some expansive silence. there is beauty in the dilemma of an undefinable space enabling a quarantine of inspiration, and sun-washed fleuro future memories to boot. life. real life. it doesn’t have to try to be beautiful, you simply have to see it.  by kl

photographer / furniture designer willy rizzo: everything AND the girl

the willy rizzo gallery on rue de la verneuil

girl by rizzo, not included*well this one slides open doesn’t it mrs. rizzo? approximately 10,000 euros in white

my parents had a silver and black circular bar when i was a little boy that swung open* to reveal a mirrored-interior filled with crystal glasses and decanters. very shag i must say…. i saw this piece by italian photographer and artist, willy rizzo in paris and got all excited but rizzo’s wife kindly extinguished my flame by telling me that ours was “probably a knock off” as rizzo’s originals did not open… oh well i had no idea who willy rizzo was til yesterday,  but i must say i find him fascinating and will surely look into his work in the next decade of my life… that is if i make it out of paris alive. by xy

jean paul goude – tavi

so nice to see jean paul goude back! really missed this playful photographic style.
the tavi shots using goude’s famous collages “a la grace jones” is really great. also loved the kenzo ads. want more! by pp.