still lives still alive – christian weber

at the end of my studies, i did my thesis on still lives, i wanted to put together a body of work bridging the original dutch still lives with something more modern.  these pictures by photographer/artist christian weber represent exactly what i had in my blurred mind at the time and couldn’t really express with my limited means. beautiful work. by pp.

ogawa kazuma – geisha

we already made a post about the wonderful hand painted over photographs pictures of flowers from ogawa kazuma, but there is also the geisha series. In 1891, he was charged with taking 100 pictures of Tokyo’s most attractive geisha, and that is really nice as well. by pp.

benoit pailley – morpholight

our friend photographer benoit pailley presents his latest work “morpholight” in soho, it’s beautiful, minimal and somehow very strange. it feels very fresh to use photography as art in this fashion. between james turrel and close to fashion still life photography without product. love it! by pp.